
  • I would also say an insulated lunch bag but you could add ice by purchasing these little squares that look like square ice cubes but you can freeze and reuse them. I always use these in an insulated bag if I am going somewhere and have food that needs to stay cold.
  • Hi! I am 5'2" and typically weigh between 117 and 120 but I really want to weigh about 110-113 but I never can get there. Of course, I am 41 but I am trying to get ideas and motivation to stay on track. You look great by the way, but I understand that we all have our own goals. Good luck.
  • Hi! I am 5'2" and typically weigh between 117 and 120 but I really want to weigh about 110-113 but I never can get there. Of course, I am 41 but I am trying to get ideas and motivation to stay on track. You look great by the way, but I understand that we all have our own goals. Good luck.
  • I am also trying to lose 10 lbs or less and it is frustrating because I lose a couple and then gain them back. UGH! Good luck, sending you a friend request so maybe we can give each other inspiration!
  • Hi, Tiffany! I am like you, new to this site but not to fitness and trying to eat right. Good luck on your journey!
  • I can relate to health issues getting in the way of success. I have a lot of back problems so there have been times that you just want to give up. It is a day by day process and I believe in weight loss it is the short term goals that we should reach for. Good luck this time and don't beat yourself up if every day is not a…
  • Hi! I am also 5'2" and have weighed around 117/118 for 2 years now. My ultimate goal would be 112/114 but even if I get there, I can't keep it there. UGH!