

  • excellent!!!
  • I cut in circle and add to the chicken. other way is cut in diced and put a little olive oil in a pan , add garlic, basil,onion, zuchini...mix everithing , put a little salt and parmesan cheese .
  • Hi Katie, welcome to this sight and I m sure that everybody here will give you the support and the energy to complete your goal!!! God bless you!!
  • Hello everybody, this is a amazing web. my goal is loose 35 pound.. actually I lost 5 pound.. I´m doing aerobics 5 days per week and in weekend I am dancing salsa, disco for one hour. Im very happy because I can do complete aerobic class and i am not tired. Hurra!!! Please you all my friend will be my support !!!!! hugs…
  • good luck!! be constantly and if one day you eat anything that is not in the diet, next day do more excercise