joolsweb Member


  • Hi, you will lose, if you have a calorie deficit, i.e. you expend more energy and/or eat less food that what your body needs to survive then you will lose weight, just at a slightly lower rate. Do what feels comfortable with you, most important when you start that you track everything, just try doing that for a few weeks…
  • BUMP, interested if anyone else has any advice on getting rid of the pooch, photos would be grand too. Thanks
  • Been on it 2.5 weeks, lost 5lbs, really pleased and enjoying what I'm eating - just joined the UK group - not sure if you wanted to do a search under groups and find some like minded SWer's. Good luck
  • Hi all - I joined about 2.5 weeks ago as well, just doing it from home and have had a 5lb loss in that time, which I'm chuffed to bits with. Happy to add any SW buddies (pls put something in your friend msg), but don't log in as often now as using my own food diary to log what I eat. Good luck all
  • I struggle with the darkness too but one of the best investments I've ever made was a SAD or 'daylight' alarm clock, which sends out a low 'sun light' about 30 mins before my alarm goes off, gradually making it brighter - its really helped. I was struggling to do my exercise in the evening too, and I know it sounds…
  • A few more just pictures from a while back:
  • Linguine and meatballs in a tomato and pancetta sauce - Cals = 844 Bring pan of water to boil and add linguine. Defrost frozen meatballs for 5 mins, meanwhile cut and fry (flora light) mushrooms and peppers. Add meatballs to frying pan and cook for a few minutes to brown, then add sauce. Simmer on a low heat for a couple…
  • Any other takers, I'm happy to take on 1 more newbie if you feel you want some help/guidance/morale support :)
  • we love our imperials in the uk - be in pounds, stones, inches, feet, pints - the metric system has just passed us by (much like euros, but lets not get into that one!)
  • Absolutely, that's kind of where I am, I want to help others getting started but also need help myself getting re motivated - like for like encouragement :)
  • With apologes for all the typos. I'm happy to take on a couple of new members to try and help out. Bit about me: I'm 39, female and a serial dieter/weight loss woman. Over the years I've done various diets but I love the simplicity of MFP. I don't do anything special I just track what i eat and try and walk/do a bit more.…
  • For recipes I find good food and all recipes both good websites, if you can't find the american version I ususally just google the translation as its normally the same as something we do get over here - i.e zucchini. Otherwise I look at what affect its supposed to have on the recipe, i..e thickening, citrus, sweet etc and…
  • Hi - everyone's welcome to look at my discussion with my meals, all uk, and I try to add simple instrcutions: For my end things I've discovered - kerry low low cheese - well lush - i love fondue and this melted with some crusty bread is…
  • Hi ya - I don't meal plan as I like to choose dependent on mood/needs, however I am packed luncher, so do try and plan what I'm eating at work, but generally loads of veg and fruit - my tesco shop (arriving saturday) is a below (it is also more than a week's worth as i like to have options in the freezer) and so far this…
  • Hi Daz and welcome - if you have a look at the groups, there's quite a few dedicated to us in the UK, so may be better to post in there if you're looking for friends.
  • brilliant, bumped for keeping on my topics and keeping me motivated - well done you
  • Hi - this is a great post and realy motivated me to stick with it, seeing your 3-6lbs weight loss per month and then it all totalling up to make such a great loss is really inspiring, thanks so much :happy:
  • Sorry all been of the plan, but more meals to come soon, including mushroom lasagne, and Sunday is date day with a pirate theme, so who knows what might appear!
  • Bistek - 396 cals (less rice) Cut steak into strips and then marinate steak in soy sauce, lime juice and pepper for at least an hour (I'd actually advise less soy as we found it a bit too salty). Chop onion into rings and stir fry, set to one side. Add steak (not mixture, rather dry) to pan and stir fry for approx 3 mins…
  • Steak with Philadelphia mushroom sauce, broccoli, mushrooms and rice - 674 cals recipe here:
  • Steak with Philadelphia mushroom sauce, rice, broccoli and mushrooms - 674 cals Fry steak in a little bit of fry light, if thin steak just do 2 mins each side. Meanwhile put water onto boil and pop the broccoli in. Remove steak from frying pan and add mushrooms, add a little bit of water to help them sautee/simmer so you…
  • I don't mind, quite happy for people to add - but its more for any pals who want to see what sort of thing I eat regularly as i don't have my diary open
  • Home made tomato pasta soup - 316 cals Put tomatoes into saucepan and blitz with had held blender (or leave chunky, or use other method to blend them), add approx 1 litre of beef stock (I just use one oxo cube in hot water). Bring to boil and return to simmer, add in dried pasta and frozen veg. Add Worcestershire sauce and…
  • Toasted crusty roll with low low cheese, marmite and poached eggs - 438 cals (for 2 eggs/1 roll) Another favourite for brunch (can you see a Marmite theme - honestly i don't work fro them!). Fill shallow frying pan with water and bring to boil, break in 2 x eggs. Meanwhile split crusty roll in half, squish down and put in…
  • Tuna, cheese, marmite and gherkin tortilla - 416 cals Mix the tuna wit the mayo. Grate cheese on tortilla, then add Marmite, then out tuna mixture on top, finish with gherkins and microwave for 1 minute - gooey runny mess, but I love it. Tip - buy the tortillas and freeze them, 30 secs in microwave will defrost and…
  • Prawn Laksa (not proper version, as made from store cupboard ingredients and had with rice not noodles) - 239 cals (just laksa no rice or noodles) Chop onion and pepper and fry with chilli powder, lemongrass and ginger. Add prawns and add approx 250 ml veg stock. Simmer until prawns cooked, add coconut milk just before…
  • Roast Turkey dinner - 611 cals Cook turkey as instructed (70 mins for joint), at approx 30 mins before the end put in roast tatties. When done take out turkey, leave tatties in for further 5 mins, put yorkies in oven. Boil/Steam broccoli and make up gravy (granules with water). Yum
  • Thai Style rice - 365 cals Chop peppers and mushrooms, fry with ginger, garlic and chilli powder. Add lemongrass, lime juice and 500ml of veg stock. Simmer. After microwaving rice, add to mixture and continue to simmer. Chop cucumber, add this and the tinned sweetcorn at the end and just heat through. Serve
  • Cheesy tomato and egg bake - 293 cals Pre heat oven to 190. Simmer tomatoes, herbs, garlic and chopped onions for approx 5 mins until onions soften. Place in oven proof bowl, crak eggs on top of tomato mixture (2 per person). Bake in oven fro 15 mins, add grated cheese and bake for approx 5 mins until cheese is melted.…