

  • 30lbs can creep up on anyone so don't fret!!! I'm getting married this summer, I've lost 34lbs since I started over a year ago and while that's a great thing there is still alot to go!!! So you can do it, the key for me was staying active on myfitness becuase it makes you accountable. That only works if you're truly…
  • WOW, how long did this take?
  • GREAT JOB!!!! :)
  • I've used the one that goes all the way up under the bra and then into shorts, that is best for a super clingy dress....but I agree if it's rolling then you bought it too small, sorry.....Spanx work as do Hanes (from target)....bring the dress and try them on, it really depends on what you're wearing, I have about 3…
  • Fundraising (used to to events but now mostly directly solicitations) sooo mostly at my desk or at a lunch meeting! lol
  • I know it's wrong to weigh yourself everyday but I do it ;( and I am getting upset because I'm gaining?! But I won't get distraught until I do my weekly morning am weigh in!
  • I hope I remember to check this page lol :smile: I'm Danielle, 32 (no children). I've been struggling w my weight since I was younger, I lost some weight a couple of yrs ago and it's been creeping back ever since. BUT I hit my no no weight in the Fall and I want to get back on track so I can fit into my clothes again :(…