

  • From your profile picture, you are far from being as ugly as sin! So get that out of your head. How about walking at a moderate pace to start off so you don't re-injure your knees? All you need to invest in is a good pair of walking shoes. Also for weight training, get a pair of dumbbells of better still, kettle bells, not…
  • Hi Sherri, Not sure how helpful this is but here is my experiance. In 2007, we were looking at some photos I took after vacation and I said, "holy cow, look at me! Too darn fat". Anyways, I decided I would train for a marathon (the LA marathon in March 2009). So I started running and the weight came off slowly but surely.…
  • What a great discussion. I was wondering the same thing and I agree with some of the comments that it really does depend on your individual metabolism, etc. At almost 39 years young, I am having the hardest time trying to lose the weight I put on during pregnancy (and my child is 20 months old already!); so while I am…
  • Some folks are just not able to deal with major issues such as suicide - not many folks are, as a matter of fact. However, if a good friend came to me to talk about her feelings of suicide, I would definately do my best to talk to her/him about it and make sure counseling is set up. Please do talk to a close family member…
    in uhh...? Comment by IrraCore July 2011
  • It is a true fact. Unless you are doing something like training for a marathon where you are constantly doing one sort of exercise but varying the intensity each training week or your cardio exceeds an hour a day. But let's face it, who has that much of time daily to exercise (well, I guess I did when I was younger, and…