So very sad and tragic. The wife is classic co-dependent. She was feeding him to show him she loved him, and giving him 10,000 calories per day. I just saw the show on TLC, and I kept waiting to see when they were going to give the wife counseling, and no one ever did. How could they not recognize that she needed the same…
Yeah, that rocks!
That's just awful, I am so sorry. It's called the "knock out game" here in St. Louis and is part of gang initiation. Ask him what you can do to make him feel better, then do waht he says, I'll bet he'd appreciate that.
I don't have any tips except to say HANG IN THERE! I lost 75 lbs 10 years ago on weight watchers, then slowly put back 35 of them over those last 10 years (I've lost 15 in the last few onths, so I'm on the right track again.) What I remember from my big weight loss way back then was that I would have spurts of time between…