The Sad Story of Ricky Naputi....Who was to blame?



  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    it his fault, ultimately we make our own decisions and he choose to ignore his he paid the price. his wife on the other hand should of stopped it before it begun to get serious. but its not her fault, the doctor no way, they can advice but yet we make that decision no one can force it
  • zombie_meg
    zombie_meg Posts: 149 Member
    I saw this show a while back. After I watched it I came to the conclusion that his wife wanted him to either stay as he was or die. Her attitude through the entire thing and then her refusal to attend his funeral did it for me. I think she wanted out of the relationship and was too afraid. So she kept him bedridden and waited. If this was the case, I think she should definitely be charged with something.

    But that's just my opinion. I understand that I could be wrong.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I saw this show a few weeks ago. Very sad. He was morbidly obese when she married him, and she was pretty obese herself, so I think there were a lot of psychological issues going on here. He needed her - for everything. And I think she liked it that way. Ultimately, it was his decision to eat the food. He could have eaten less.

    I felt sorry for the doctors who were trying to help him. Although the show compressed the timeline, in fact, they tried to get him to lose weight for 3 years, but he just gained more instead. And this man lived on Guam, a relatively small island with limited medical facilities for the morbidly obese. Which is why they asked him to lose weight before being admitted to the hospital for full-time nursing care. They simply didn't have the equipment on hand to handle a man of his weight.

    They did everything they could to facilitate his recovery, but at some point you have to take some responsibility for your own situation. He just whined how he wanted somebody to help him, but he wasn't willing to help himself.

    On a side note, this is a serious issue in the Pacific islands. The native population, much like the native population in the US, is facing life-threatening obesity, diabetes, and everything else that goes with them. Poverty, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles are taking a huge toll on these proud peoples. As someone who has traveled to, and lived in, many of these areas, it makes me sad.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    If I was taking care of someone like that and If they didn't like what I brought them I would just say get it yourself then. Tough love darn right. I would rather have someone yell and scream at me for more food then not have them here at all.
  • Well, I passed the bar exam a long time ago and I DON"T think the wife breached any legal duty to husband in this situation. No crime was committed. She may bear some moral responsibility but is not legal culpable unless he had been declared mentally incapacitated and she appointed as his guardian.
  • _Lauree4_
    _Lauree4_ Posts: 11 Member
    Why didn't she attend her husband's funeral?
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Why in the world would you blame the doctors? They're not miracle workers.

    This. When someone is that big, they have to lose some weight before doctors can do the surgery or they're more likely to die on the table.
    With everyone lawsuit happy these days, I don't blame doctors a bit for not eating that bullet.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Why didn't she attend her husband's funeral?

    Shame? Guilt?

    I can think of a number of reasons why you would find it hard to face the family in that situation
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
  • dazzer1975
    dazzer1975 Posts: 104 Member
    Whoever provided his food after the point he could not walk to get his own food, bares a heavy (no pun intended) responsibility.

    That is just like pushing heroin onto smack heads, the only difference is the substance being abused.
  • Considering the man has died, he has now paid the price for his addiction. Like other addicts, I agree with the post above, you wouldn't give a drug addict drugs and feed their habit when they are in rehab.

    In saying that the wife was clearly a part of this sad story. The doctors are experts and had their reasons for not opening him up straight away, it would have been too risky and therefore they then would have been to blame should he have died on the operating table.

    I think his wife will have to live with the fact she fed her husband to death. she would be blaming herself unless she's suffering from some sort of mental illness, that alone should be enough punishment to last her lifetime.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    The wife may be partially to blame as she could have just stopped responding to his demands for 10K calories worth of food, but that's a lot to ask.

    Nonsense. If someone wants to destroy themselves you're under zero obligation to help them do it.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    The whole thing is just sad. I can't fathom how he let himself get to that point. I'm so uncomfortable at my weight...and I can walk/jog. Before it got THAT out of control, he had to of felt *something*... a *tug* that it is out of hand. Unfortunately noone helped him with his food addiction....that to me is sad. It took years to get to that point... so before it got that out of control someone should have stepped in and motivated him, helped him, encouraged him...and if he still refused to care...then he is to blame ultimately. We are responsible for our actions, no one else.

    And as a caregiver myself, I won't lie, I would have given up on him.... because he gave up on himself. You can't make someone change. They are either going to do it, or they aren't. Period. :ohwell:
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    The wife may be partially to blame as she could have just stopped responding to his demands for 10K calories worth of food, but that's a lot to ask.

    Nonsense. If someone wants to destroy themselves you're under zero obligation to help them do it.

    ^^^ This ^^^

    You can lead a horse to water...but you can't make him drink it. Old saying, but it still rings true today.
  • andypandy1109
    andypandy1109 Posts: 42 Member
    i beleve they are feeders and yes should be charged...a person who is that weight would die of starvation if left. or at best loose some it has to be the feeders to blame
  • So very sad and tragic. The wife is classic co-dependent. She was feeding him to show him she loved him, and giving him 10,000 calories per day. I just saw the show on TLC, and I kept waiting to see when they were going to give the wife counseling, and no one ever did. How could they not recognize that she needed the same kind of counseling as Al-Anon (except instead of enabling the drinking, she was enabling the eating.) The doctors kept asking the couple for committment to reduce the calories, and the one time Cheryl was confronted, she got angry and left the room. At that point I thought "Finally, someone will get counseling for her..." but it never happened.

    So who is to blame? Ricky for eating and Cheryl for feeding him. Like alcoholics, yes they are both at fault, but if only someone had recognized the psychological reasons behind the behavior, maybe there could have been a different outcome. And they have both paid such a price for being human, for being imperfect, him unto death and she will never forgive herself. If only someone had offered her counseling. I'll bet she would have taken it.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    He was to blame.
    Although it would've been preferable if his wife didn't allow him to do this to himself, but i don't think she should be charged with a crime at all.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Was he an adult? Yes.

    He was capable of making his own decisions...if he had asked for lower amounts of food and the wife refused and beat him if he didn't clean his plate...that's one thing but he didn't do that...he wanted what he wanted regardless of the consequences.

    Who are we do dictate what our spouses do?

    Try telling your spouse to eat only meat, or go paleo or vegan and see how far you get....
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    He was to blame. It was him who ate so much that he was unable to feed himself to begin with. She was most likely only complying with his requests for food (assuming he wasn't asking for healthy options) and ultimately he was the one choosing to consume the food. While she brought him the food, she didn't force feed him or make him eat it all. He always had a choice (ignoring that he was most likely a food addict which isn't his wife's fault anyway) about what and how much to eat and judging from the state he had allowed himself to get in, he had been making the wrong ones for a very long time.

    A very sad case but the wife is not to blame.

    The Doctor's are definitely not to blame as I'm sure they had very good reasons for refusing treatment (the massive risk factors that come with that kind of obesity or limited capacity of equiptment for example)
  • Lovelovesme
    Lovelovesme Posts: 37 Member
    I think people that big are suicidal but may have moral/ethical/religious reasons as to why they don't just out-right commit suicide so they eat themselves to death. I think if more time had been spent with doctors first addressing his mental health issues they then may have then succeeded in helping him lose weight. This is very sad and I don't think we should blame anyone, but try to understand so maybe we can all help other people.