mayandtaylor Member


  • I myself hate exercise. I know I am going to get yelled at for this but I do not think that lack of exercise leads to weight gain. I have been able to successfully lose and control my weight without exercise throughout my life. There was only one time in my life that my weight loss plan included regular exercise and…
  • I was hitting under my minimum for about a week straight with no weight loss. I think I put my body into starvation mode. So I worked at making sure i met my minimum and I have started calorie cycling. It has made a huge difference.
  • This is my second go round with MFP. I got totally frustrated the last time because i was going strictly by my total calories and using the extra calories I earned exercising. I only lost 15 lbs in 6 months. This time around I did a week of extremely low carb to break the insulin resistance, but I also tracked my calories…
  • From what I have heard, yes that counts as water. Even caffeinated drinks, if you consume them on a regular basis, are considered water consumption.