Weight Loss Plateau and too few calories?

I've hit a plateau. I am so frustrated! I'm eating very healthy and working out modestly (by far not working out hard, unfortunately) but I am always eating just under my calorie goal. Would eating under your calorie goal really screw you up enough to make your body refuse to lose weight?


  • helenamonks
    try doubling some of your portions if you're eating healthy.. pick up your calories consumed a little bit so that it will jumpstart your metabolism
  • bnlstarr
    Thanks Helena! I tried that last night with a handful of almonds. I know I need to realize that I am not going to jump on the scale the next am and see a 2 pound loss or anything but it gets tough to see that # stick sometimes.:flowerforyou:
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    I'm no expert but try eating what it reccomends for a week and see what happens, good luck :happy:
  • mayandtaylor
    mayandtaylor Posts: 5 Member
    I was hitting under my minimum for about a week straight with no weight loss. I think I put my body into starvation mode. So I worked at making sure i met my minimum and I have started calorie cycling. It has made a huge difference.
  • bnlstarr
    Thank you! Sometimes I panic at the idea of consuming 1200 calories. I know that isn't a healthy mentality, also, sometimes it's hard to get all of that in now since I've gotten used to eating so little. I'll try and break it up by eating little portions.
  • stujones2000
    Have one rest day where you up your calories to the reccomended amount for weight maintenece... this will shock the body and stop it from thinking 1200 calories is 'the norm' and adapting for this.

    You really do need to do exercise with the dieting to have maximum effect, even if it's just walking instead of driving etc...
  • bnlstarr
    Thank you! Sometimes I panic at the idea of consuming 1200 calories. I know that isn't a healthy mentality, also, sometimes it's hard to get all of that in now since I've gotten used to eating so little. I'll try and break it up by eating little portions.

    throughout the day, that is.
  • bnlstarr
    good tips. Thanks!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I sometimes have a hard time hitting 1200. I'm at 1250 right now. I eat all day but during the day I just can't eat large amounts. Then I work out in the evening. I try not to let myself go more than a couple of days under 1200.

    Dinner is my largest meal and sometimes I have another light meal after that.
  • stujones2000
    Plateau is generally purely down to doing the same things all the time... regardless whether it is exercise or diet, you need to change what you do regulary otherwise it is human nature for your body to adapt to having less calories and slow down your metabolism ( go on 'energy saving mode' ) or in the case of exercise, build up an imunity to the exercise, meaning you will use less energy.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    First question I have to ask is: are you eating what you're burning off? Also, if you are working out, have you been taking measurements not just going by what the scale says? I thought I was stuck in a rut, until I started to measure: I didn't lose any "weight" but I did lose inches (1" off each thigh in a month!).

    I also very rarely am under my calories: I workout out to earn calories to eat more since I know I couldn't keep up eating next to nothing for the rest of my life: I'm being realistic about this - in 5, 10, 20 years, I still want to be healthy and in shape. I "play" with my foods & workout routines - variety is the spice of life! I don't eat the same thing everyday & I don't do the same workouts everyday - I mix everything up from T'ai Chi to Yoga, Strength Training to Cardio/Aerobics to Kickboxing and Walking.

    Every "body" is different - find your niche but don't get stuck in it. Change things up so your body knows it has to work to get results and it will keep working even on off days or weeks :flowerforyou: