alanabanana86 Member


  • Hey, don't beat yourself up. As frustrating as it may seem, take your measurements and just hold tight for a bit before you panic! If you're doing insanity it could well be muscles retaining water and swelling too. I've only just started insanity and I'm in my first week- at the stage where I can barely walk right now,…
  • I did, and I won most months and won overall so got around half my money back on top. Is a great idea as you are set up to win- the monthly goals are easy to reach so it can be done slowly and encourages you to do this long term if you do the 6 months as I did :)
  • Great advice, thanks for the tip. Yep, good to know we're not alone itsjustmich! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out! My gym is appallingly low stocked when it comes to weights, so I figured splash out with my own bar, get some lighter plates and fractions, and head to my parents to use their bench etc. There is a…
  • Thanks so much, your explanation of % of eating makes perfect sense to me. I guess I'll have to forget hearing a lifetime of 'under-eat to lose weight'. I already am surprised it's taken me until 28 to figure out that strength training makes so much sense rather than losing 'weight' as I don't want to lose muscle as well…
  • Thank you! I am 28 years old. Yes you're right, i'm not looking to lose weight, i'm looking to lose fat and gain muscle, So I don't need to eat in deficit then? Ok thank you- I'll re-do my TDEE, so do I eat at 100% of that then and workout? Will I lose fat that way? I'm confused, I thought I'd need to be in a deficit to…
  • Great reply thank you :) Using the link you gave it works out approximately the same as when I start with 1200 and add my exercise calories. Maybe even a little more calories on average so I'll give this a try. Losing 2lbs per week is really not possible for me unless it's in the first week or so of cleaner eating so I'll…
  • REALLY interested to hear a response, I'm in a similar place. 5'2", 124lbs, Similar BMR etc. Looking for the same thing, fat loss and strength, plus muscle definition. I set mine to follow MFP so eat at 1200 and then eat back all workout calories minus a bit. I roller skate for 5 hours per week and have 3x 30min high…
  • When you find that one thing- it won't feel like exercise and you'll end up loving it! Having been a slow jogger on and off for 5+ years I found I often lost motivation because I just don't like it. But then I found roller derby- and it has changed everything. I started my training for 2 hours once per week, then added…
  • Hey, feel free to add me, I have an open diary. Can I ask- how have you worked out 1200? Most people this is far too low. I'm 5' 1" and 124lbs. I eat at 1200 calories but then eat my exercise calories. To be honest I struggle to eat all of my calories! So I snack on dried beans etc to get my calories up! an example daily…
  • Eat those calories back, otherwise you'd only be getting 800 calories per day! and that's tooooo low for anyone, (I'm 5' 1", 124lbs and that's way too low even for me!) I usually eat back half, when you're on such a low cal setting at 1200 (same as me) you can't really afford not to eat them back. Your body needs a minimum…
  • Hey I'm a vegetarian and until recently was also vegan, you can get alpro soya yoghurt with 5g protein for 60kcals, soya milk is better than almond milk protein wise and slightly higher kcal's. After a workout I snack on dried edamame nuts or a dried beans mix- plenty of protein and high ish calories (I find it hard to eat…
  • Just for today I will get my protein in and get some fresh air :)
  • Thanks so much for the advice guys! (sorry to hijack the original thread...) I've not tried shakes no, but I'll take a look. Wow- hitting 70, that's pretty great, I'll have a read and hopefully get the hang of this a little better then. Yeah I'm doing cardio in the form of roller derby at 5 hours per week, and I have a…
  • Hey, I have to say that I'd like some help about protein too! I'm vegetarian and my aim for protein is 60- I have sometimes reached that, but on my deficit my daily calories is 1200- which makes it SO hard to get enough protein in. SO HARD. I snack on nuts, beans, cottage cheese, I have tofu, but man is it tough to reach…
  • Just for today I will work my absolute hardest at my strength circuits session :) and I will stop nibbling the chocolate buttons every time In enter the kitchen. I'll deal with tomorrow's roller derby tomorrow...
  • Hey, I'm a mum of 2 aged 6 and 8, I'm 28 and tackling fat loss and strength training :)
  • Hey, I know that this is an old thread, but I'm 5' 1 1/2" tall and weigh 124lbs, currently wear a UK dress size 10. I've always been worried about the scales but right now I'm actually staying away from them, so I don't have an ideal weight, I have an ideal body target. Weight doesn't really work for me or motivate me,…
  • I feel a little like a fraud when I lose weight- I think it's a similar thing, I don't feel like I deserve it, DESPITE the fact that i'm the one monitoring my food and that I'm the one working out more and paying attention. Crazy huh? Well, I hope this thread at least let's you know that you're not alone and that you don't…
  • Heya, I'm largely vegan- no dairy or eggs in the house or in my homemade cooking, but I do munch the occasional milk chocolate bar. I eat Large flat mushrooms with tomatoes, spinach and frylight it with garlic, chill powder, paprika etc to give it a kick if you want to try that? Mushroom is a great source of protein and…