

  • Have you tried the Bob's Red Mill Bountiful Black Bean Soup? There is a recipe on the back of the package. I just add an extra hour when I make it in the crock pot. I change the recipe a little bit by using low-sodium, fat free, organic broth, adding 2 crushed habanero peppers (I like spicy stuff) and nixing the squash.…
  • It's possible that the source of your anxiety is deeper than just eating and exercising. I'm guessing that there are probably certain triggers (sources of stress) that cause you to become overwhelmed and thus obsess on your weight. I'm sure that all the pressure at school has been heavy on your emotions, so I can see why…
  • The chemical properties within cheese activate dopamine pathways in your brain to trigger feelings of desire and pleasure. Also, because you eat mac and cheese every night, it is likely that you have a learned reward response associated with the sensory properties of cheese (smell, taste, texture, etc.). :) It is not…
  • It is good that you recognize your personal fears regarding food. From what you've stated, it seems like there is a possibility of other triggers in your life which also cause anxiety. When you start to feel overwhelmed, what types of thoughts come to mind?