

  • I think you're there already. Your doctor may be concerned about insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome causing more than usual metabolic trouble with intake of low fiber carbs but I doubt your doc is concerned about the number of carbs in veggies. S/he wants you to cut out the 'white stuff' and sugars to avoid spikes in…
  • Although my CPR and SED rate (inflammatory markers) were both in the normal range, I was told by my doctor to go on an anti-inflammatory diet, which he described as NO gluten, sugar, dairy, genetically modified foods (which means most corn), soy or artificial sugars/ colors. To those of you who commented that the poster…
  • Are you talking about the Sam's version of La Croix or Vitamin water or another product? I drink La Croix but some flavored waters have artificial sweetners and colors that are not good for you.
  • Overweight women give birth to babies every day. You didn't miscarry because of your weight! Don't beat yourself up. As a dear friend says, "You can't make sense of crazy" and that doctor is nuts. Definitely find a new OB/GYN, you could have a condition that contributes to weight gain (like PCOS and the meds that treat…
  • After experiencing a kidney stone, I was advised to drink 2L of fluids a day. Urologist said it shouldn't be all tea or milk (oxalates in tea and calcium in milk can increase risk of kidney stones) but other than that, the fluid volume (not the specific beverage) is key. So all the liquids you drink will help to keep you…
  • There may be some people out there who really prefer to eat an apple instead of a candy bar but I'm not one of them! I don't want to stop eating bad for me stuff, either, but I've decided to try hard to stick to the MFP calorie goal for the day. My thinking is that this is the weight loss phase and I'm going to be a little…
  • I like Michael Skoggs KB workout (on Amazon). It's not cheap but there are 4 workouts with 4 levels each. His intro video teaches good form. KB does a great job toning - even abs - on your feet, which I like. But for weight loss, watch calories and add in some cardio.
  • Take it one day at a time. The times when I quit are times when I think too long-term (i.e. am I really going to stick to this for months, years like I need to). Just commit to doing your exercise and eating right today. Then wake up in the morning and focus on the day again.