

  • Here is a positive story of my own to share. I was diagnosed with pcos forever ago but just started getting treatment in december 2011 since we'd tried naturally for a year with no luck. I was put on metformin and birth control pill and lost 30 lbs! This was great! I stayed on the treatment for 5 months, then saw a family…
  • Hi there! You can also talk to your doctor about going on metformin as pcos treatment. I'm 5'2" and was 189lbs at 5'2" in December 2011 & have lost 29 lbs in just a few months on metformin and a sugar/carb conscious diet. My workouts consist of weekly yoga and dog walks, not hours at the gym (although I probably should).…
  • Thanks for sharing, that was a good article. Agrees with everything my doctor explained to me, only in a bit more detail. I can already vouch for the drug treatment. :)
  • I normally am a drinker, but it hasn't been hard to stop. I just have to do it for the triglycerides and when its controlled then I can have it again in moderation. I cheat with sugar here and there too, bcz you're right, you'll binge if you don't give in a little to cravings. Not having it in the house has really helped…
  • Thats great info, thank you! I've been told by my doc when I do get PG I she wld have me on a Gestational Diabetes diet whether had it or not, but she didn't say what that would look like - so thanks again! Wondering, do you watch your sugar and alcohol consumption too? I'm 4 months into treatment of PCOS and thats what…
  • I was really nauseated the first few weeks on metformin, but if you can stick it out its SOO worth it. I've dropped 25lbs in 3 months and the doc says as soon as my numbers are down I should be able to start trying again. You're on your way to babyville. :)
  • Hi, new to the group. I've had pcos for yrs, but now that we're TTC they put me on metformin. I've already lost 22 lbs. The doc said that btwn the metformin and birth control pill (for the added hormones) my metabolism should reset and with that my cycle with regulate. Its only been 3 months but it seems to be working. Its…