

  • I am one of the lucky ones who's cramps get worse when they workout on their TOM. And before you judge that as an "excuse" yes I have tried, many times, and when I have to practically crawl back from my run after I started cramp-free, I've realized it's not worth the extra pain. It sucks but it's only a couple days and…
  • I run on a rather wide, paved trail in my town because it's the only sort of flat place to go, and it always amazes me how two people walking can manage to take up the entire width of the trail. The other day there were two people standing on the trail talking, well sort of each standing on opposite sides of the…
  • I'm sure other people will tell you the same, but look into the Couch to 5K program. If you have a smart phone, there are a ton of apps for it. It's what I used to train and I loved it! Good luck with your running! :)
  • To add my experience, I started out C25K at 5'5" weighing 212 lbs. A few weeks in, got proper shoes and I've yet to have joint problems (knock on wood). Since then I've run 3 5ks and one half marathon and already have 2 5ks, a 10k and a half marathon lined up for this year. I agree with what's been said before it's the…
  • I LOVE this app! I'm waiting very impatiently for season 2, now haha.
  • This is exactly what I do. :)
  • I actually managed to lose 2 pounds over the holidays...but then I gained 3 when I went on a cross-country roadtrip. Meat and potatoes through the Midwest got me lol. I am back on the downhill again though.
  • Hi there! I'd like to add you, I've been on here for a while, sort of got stuck in a rut and am trying to come back strong and looking for some new friends :)
  • Hello! I've been on here for a while but it seems like most of my friends here have dropped off...I can't judge though I was gone for a while and am working hard to get back on track :) I'd be glad to add you and anyone else here that wants to add me feel free, I like new friends :D
  • Dynamite-Taio Cruz Don't Stop Me Now-Queen Planetary (GO!)-My Chemical Romance Blaqk Electric-Blaqk Audio Hoodoo-Maniac Throw in some Scissor Sisters and good ol' Backstreet Boys and I'm set haha. My music taste is a bit random...
  • I'll be working. This will be my fifth now, but honestly the last three were ok since I didn't work in a mall, so we got the mall run off that were so happy that we weren't crowded and had parking hahaha. But this year I'm in an outlet mall and we open on Thanksgiving night so I'm scared :frown: But luckily my manager told…
  • Right across the bridge here, in Solano County. :)
  • YESSSSS, I am just about 2/3 of the way through book one and I've seen the HBO series and I lovvvvve it!
  • Definitely the 10th and 11th Doctors (heck, 9th too), and Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock from the BBC series). Oh and pretty much all the Avengers in the upcoming movie. Oh yes.
  • Yay California! I'm from a small town in the Bay Area. :)
  • Pretty sure everything I love is nerdy...San Diego Comic Con, Doctor Who (and Torchwood, and Sarah Jane Adventures), Star Wars, Firefly, BSG, Merlin, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter...I can keep going and going too haha.
  • Hello! I work in SF, it's one of the greatest cities in the world :)
  • Mine's probably either "Across the Universe" by The Beatles, or "This Time Imperfect" by AFI. Changes frequently though haha.
  • Yup, single. :/
  • Hello! 1. Meaghan 2. I'm currently repeating Week 4 Day 2, as a few things have gotten in the way of doing the program regularly, but I'm getting back into it now. 3. I don't have a specific 5K in mind, but I know I want to build up to do the Disneyland half marathon next year. 4. I've always wanted to be a runner. I dunno…