

  • hi veronica, i take the homeopathic drops from numedica. i got it from a doctor and it has worked great. i've lost a total of 12.5 lbs and i only needed to lose 10-15 lbs. its' really gone great. but you definitely need to drink water. i drink a gallon a day.
  • i don't really have any suggestions yet because i am still on the last few days of p2. but i recently joined a group on facebook called "Beyond HCG". they seem to have a lot of suggestions. is it true that you cannot have starches on p3? i was looking forward to eating breads again.
  • i don't have any before/after pictures but i am also on the HCG diet. i am on day 21 and can't wait to start eating 1500 calories again. i was never hungry on the plan but i craved certain foods. i've lost 11 lbs so far and i only need to lose 15 lbs so i'm really happy with my results. good luck with your diet! llet me…
  • does the weight watcher scale measure to the tenth of a pound? i am looking for a scale that will tell me that i'm 141.2 and not just 141.
  • i wason zoloft a few years ago and gained about 10 lbs but once i got off of it, i lost the weight. have you tried other meds?
    in Zoloft Comment by amyliu7 July 2011
  • i just did the alcat food intolerance test and i'm pretty much allergic to everything.... chicken, apples, bananas, almonds, strawberries, clove, cocoa, green and black tea, coffee, mint, cinnamon, coconut, fig, fructose, egg white, garlic, honeydew, iceberg lettuce, peaches, scallops, sesame, tuna, corn, green pea,…
  • they are super comfortable. i really noticed a difference in my muscles the first month of wearing them and then over time, they stopped working my muscles. i still like the rocking motion of the shoe though. i also have the reebok retone shoes. those are nice to go running in.
  • welcome! i joined today as well. what are your goals?
    in Newbie Comment by amyliu7 July 2011
  • i just bought these online yesterday. i got the variety pack as well. i was just planning on throwing some spaghetti sauce on them. has anyone tried that?
  • yup! i went from a 36D to a 34D. i'm hoping i can get down to a C cup though
  • i use stevia because it's supposedly healthier than splenda. but i like the taste of splenda more. i find stevia to be too sweet and it doesn't really taste good in tea or coffee.
  • thanks for everyone's input. i've tried many different types and am always trying to get in more protein into my diet. i am currently using "Oh Yeah" shakes which are delicious but too pricey. And I just bought a box of "You Bars", which are really good but doesn't have enough protein in them.