

  • Hi everyone! I am so sorry that I was MIA for so long. My husband and I had 3 trips planned back-to-back. I thought I would have internet access to stay connected, and that didn't happen. I tried to keep track of my food, water, sleep, and exercise, but that didn't happen either. I'm a little frustrated with myself for not…
  • So, I'm a little late with my points. Here they are for Monday and Tuesday: Monday: Hours Slept: 1 (8 hours) Cups of Water: 1 (8 cups) Cardio: 1.5 (34 minutes) Food Logged: 1 Monday Points: 4.5 Tuesday: Hours Slept: 1 (7 hours) Cups of Water: .5 (6 cups) Cardio: .5 (10 minutes) Food Logged: 1 Tuesday Points: 3 I had a…
  • I found this site: http://www.zumbacalories.com/ to calculate the number of calories I burned. It may not be perfect, but it's close enough for me.
  • I am very excited about this group! Thanks, Amy, for starting it! My real name is Dory, just so we can be on a first-name basis. Right after signing up for this, I made a chart on Numbers (I'm a MAC girl) to record my hours slept, cups of water, cardio time, food log check, and weight each day. I printed this out, and I…
  • I would love to join your group as well! I hope I'm not too late. I am going to a big family reunion over Labor Day weekend, and I want to look as fit as I was during my wedding 2 years ago. I am 26 and my SW today is 138 (I have lost 2 pounds since starting to watch what I eat and exercise). I am a teacher, and I am…