FitMama2013 Member


  • I just completed W1D2! I didn't feel particularly out of breath, but my legs were really fatigued from Tuesday's run. Looking forward to running on Saturday with my family!
  • You're awesome...just, awesome.
  • Hey mama! Congrats on your baby and breastfeeding too :) You may want to join this group for breastfeeding mamas:
  • Sugary coffee drinks from Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts/Einsteins are my downfall. When I start my day with a calorie bomb, it's hard to stay within calories the rest of the day. So, I made Fridays my day where I can stop for coffee if I want to, and I get what I want, and I make changes the rest of the day so it fits in. I…
  • I started with Stronglifts and then moved to the Nia Shanks (s)hero program (intermediate program) at the recommendation of a friend. It's 4 phases - 1&3 are 3 days/week, 2&4 are 4 days/week. The hard part of the big lifts is 7-9 reps heavy, then AMRAP at 10% less weight. Accessory lifts have between 10-15 reps.
  • I'm 245lbs and my son nurses 3 times a day at 19 months. My calorie goal is 2400 and I lose weight when I stick to it :)
  • If you are refering to meal planning using exchanges, then yes, I do that. I started about 10 days ago (seeing a dietician) and planning meals based on exchanges is really helpful. For now, I'm counting calories since it's a big change, but I hope to stop doing that in the next few month and just look at exchange numbers…
  • I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you, except I'm losing while eating 2,400 delicious calories every day. Your current plan isn't sustainable. ETA: I see a dietician and she helped me come up with a healthy plan that works for me. No food is off limits for me. Please considering making an appointment so you…
  • I think you have a good plan laid out there. Based on what you normally eat, I would really try to add some more protein early in the day and to try to have protein with snacks too. A smoothie is a great idea, but it might not be enough for lunch (I have to actually chew something for meals, so that would be hard for me),…
  • I recommend keeping a journal where you sit and write down what you're feeling before you start eating. Look at where you are on a hunger scale of 1-5, with 1 being starving and 5 being stuffed. I find that the act of actually assessing my hunger levels and writing "I'm stressed and want to eat chocolate" really helps me…
  • I like Scott Herman Fitness on youtube...I think he explains exercises pretty well!
  • You just made my day :)
  • I started by doing Stronglifts 5x5 and then moved on to an intermediate program by Nia Shanks
  • My situation is a bit different as I'm still nursing my 18 month old, but only twice a day. I weaned at night first, so for a few weeks, my husband handled night wakings because if my son wanted to nurse, I couldn't be the one trying to comfort him. Then I started spacing out the amount of time between feeds until one…
  • Good morning! I know this thread is old, but I wanted to comment since I am the OP of the thread linked above. The purpose of my post in April 2012 was to show how my body changed over a 4 month period while eating healthily (I have always eaten well over 2,000 calories during weight loss) and having great workouts. A lot…
  • Thank you so much!
  • 25oz is more along the lines of what a typical baby eats, as I understand. So, that's where the typical 500 calories for breastfeeding comes from (20 cal per oz x 25oz = 500). You are pumping an additional 8 ounces above that, so if I were you, I'd set my calories to 1700 (to include the EBF 500) and then add in the extra…
  • Ditto what tinybry said about the rice socks! Also, mine improved when my son's latch improved, but he's now 17 months and has a great latch and my nipples are still a little white after he nurses. My Lactation Consultant gave me a list of a trillion things to try to help with vasospasms - I have no idea where it is, so…
  • A bit random, but...are your nipples white after your baby nurses? My LC and I thought I had thrush, but it was actually vasospasms, where the blood flow is essentially cut off. I was also very sensitive to cold (which was rough with a January baby). Just throwing it out there in case it's not thrush this time. Either way,…
  • Thank you for the responses! I got mine out yesterday, so I will be sure to post my experience here if I notice it was related to any weight issues.
    in Mirena Comment by FitMama2013 June 2014
  • Thank you! I added you :) If anyone else is also interested, please let me know!
  • If you aren't already, you may want to consider seeing a counselor to talk about this. My mom treats me differently than your mom, but she plays a significant role in my food issues and that's not something you can move on from easily without talking to someone who can help.
  • I'm up 15 from my lowest pp weight, and am only 5-6 pounds under the weight I was the day I delivered. That means I still have 40 to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight, and my son is 15 months old next week. whomp whomppppppppppppppppppppppppp
  • Yayy congratulations!! Y'all did great :) Sallyrose - I got mine back at 11.5 months pp after I weaned from pumping at work (but was still nursing at home)
  • It's interesting you mention that because I thought I would be 100% celebrating my last day of pumping (and I did!), but there was a small part of me that had a hard time packing up the pump for good and letting my office know I no longer needed the room. Crazy :)
  • I did notice a big difference in my pumping amount when my period returned (mine was at 11.5 months, though, so I was very well established with my pumping amounts by that time). Just do what you can, and try not to stress about what you can't fit in. You're doing great! Also, it is wonderful that you have your own office,…
  • First off, congratulations on your new baby!! And ditto everything said above me by the previous poster. The absolute best way to increase supply is to nurse nurse nurse. Remember that breastmilk works on supply/demand, so if you do need to supplement, be sure you are nursing first, and then pumping while baby is having…
  • This might have been mentioned already, but get life insurance and make sure a will is in order first. My son is 14 months and we are just now working on our will. I waited until I was pregnant to get life insurance and was denied based on weight. Just two very random but important things to consider.
  • It gets so much easier…I promise!!! I took my time weaning from pumping at work (over 4-5 months) and never had any trouble. You can definitely do this - just keep at it!
  • After pumping for 14 months, this is my 2nd Friday at work with no pump. It is totally worth all of the hard work. Keep it up awesome mamas!!!