OkImfat Member


  • If your weight is changing that much within a week I would bet it is a fluid retention issue. Be sure to drink plenty of water through the day and reduce sodium rich foods and drink. Monitor your weight but know that a true gain or loss in body mass is due to many factors of intake and expenditures. Don't freak out over…
    in Help Comment by OkImfat September 2014
  • Welcome...this is the first step to you reaching your goal. Stick with it every day. Keeping track and posting seems to be the key mentioned by many on here. Good luck.
    in I'm new :-) Comment by OkImfat June 2012
  • I know the feeling. I am an administrator at work, a mother at home, and in general a very busy person. I think it all comes down to drive. How driven are you to look and feel your best? Don't put it off, make time for yourself. Diet and exercise is a very personal way to reward yourself. Don't think of it as something you…
  • 3 meals a day isn't cutting it for you. Switch it up. Spread out your calories into 6 meals a day (small ones of course). It will regulate your blood sugar and you will even feel better. Don't go too low on calories either. You need energy to burn the pounds. Dont go too high on carbs. Use friuts on veggies if you are…
  • Don't get frustrated. We all hit that wall sooner or later. The trick is to fool your body into burining it off. Eat 6 very small meals a day. (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, and Snack) My father lost 40 pounds doing it. He kept a journal of his food intake, so I stole the tip. I just started the diet as well as…
  • Good luck taking off the weight. I just started too. "Slow and steady wins the race."