

  • bump
  • Unless all the stores were up a steep hill that does seem very high.
    in Walking? Comment by kpark May 2010
  • I Joined th site about a month ago and was following another thread. There hae been no posts for about weeks so I am in search of a new support team. Sounds like you all are doing GREAT! Every year on the 4th of July we have a big family get together so that date is a good goal date. I want to be able to run a 5K by then.…
  • I am just learning how to navigate this board as I am new to the site. I am a mommy of 4 and am trying to loose my weight from my babies. Heres my stats Current weight 210 Goal weight 140 70 pound loss I am coming in at the tail end of week 2 it looks like but will make every attempt to drink up through the weekend. This…