

  • It's actually really easy once you host it somewhere (like [If you don't have one, yet, it's super easy to sign up!]). Once you host the image (meaning, upload it into their system), you will be given an IMG code. It's basically the url (from the internet browser) with [ IMG ] before and [ / IMG ] after…
  • That's amazing! Congratulations on totally obliterating that goal!
  • What a bummer! Must have been too big and missed out on the best part! I'll try this: There. Now, hopefully, you can see the "after" pictures!
  • Thanks, everyone. I had a feeling the inability to eat fruits without going over my allowance was something I needed to better understand. I wish MFP took care of that for me and didn't count fresh fruit sugars! hahaha
  • I think having the option would be great, but I like the 8oz thing for 2 reasons (both of which have already been mentioned) 1. If I drink 120 oz of water, I'd be sitting and clicking FOREVER! 2. Even if I'm 7oz away from the next cup, I'll just that sucker just to click the button one more time! lol
  • hahaha LOVE THIS... That is amazing. You will be champion of many more brave battles to come!! <3
  • It is horrible when that happens... especially when you're having a day where saying no to a tasty treat is close to impossible. I usually just go into b*tch mode and tell them I'm sick of being fat and to lay off... lol But if it was my boss, I'd probably say something along the lines of sugary calories coming with the…
  • Is anyone else nervous about not actually meeting their calorie goal when you think you are? Everything I've read on here about eating enough calories says scary things like sending your body into starvation mode and stuff. I guess it doesn't happen often enough to worry about that, right?
  • Pro bono sounds great.. haha I'd totally slap a tatt over the scar.. lmao
  • Thanks, everyone. I kind of just started getting serious because I'm getting married next June. We're going to Disney and Clearwater Beach in Florida for our honeymoon, and I'm SO self-conscious. I feel like my fiance is God's gift to the world and I always look bad next to him. I just don't want to feel that way forever.…
  • I need to save this in a word document and ready it every day for the next year... thank you!
  • This is a phenomenal concept and really something to think about. Hopefully all of us here can make this a second-order change!