Sugar is the Enemy

runnin0nbravado Posts: 17
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone,

I've been told by a few people that sugar is the enemy to healthy living. I've been trying desperately not to go over my sugar numbers on MFP, but it usually means I can't eat any fruit or drink any no sugar added orange juice with my breakfast. Not only does this stink because I love fruit, but I've been kind of feeling lousy lately. It may not even be related, but it might be..

Would it be stupid of me to not count sugars from fruits, vegetables, and 100% fruit juices that list no type of sugar in the ingredients?


  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    :drinker: I don't count the sugar from my fresh fruit. I avoid fruit jusices, because they go down too easily and add a lot of calories in addition to sugar. I can not use any artificial sweeteners, so I really have to be aware of the type of sugar I eat. If I have a veggie packed day then I will allow myself a treat that has sugar but isn't fruit. Those treats are the ones I try to be aware of. Fruit has so many benefits that I can't justify cutting it out of my diet.
    I hope that helps.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, I think the sugar goal is really speaking to "added sugars" and not those sugars that occur naturally in foods (like fruit and veggies). But, I too would be careful with fruit juices; you don't get the same fiber and nutrition you get from eating a whole piece of fruit.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I read on a blog of a very healthy woman that recommended intake for sugar is more like 35-40g a day so I changed mine to 40. I drink at least 2 fruits a day (usually one in the afternoon, and some avocado on my sandwich at lunch) and some days I'll drink orange juice or eat things with natural sugar in them. If I go over that day, I don't really stress it because I know it's good sugar.

    I do, however, really try to watch high fructose corn syrup. I don't want it in my body at all. I check labels and if it has HFCS, I won't buy it. I'll make exceptions for soda every now and then (which I need to get better about) and other "snack foods" that I'll allow myself to have even though I know it has HFCS in it. :\ I need to get better but for now, I feel great and I'm losing weight so it's okay!!!

    One thing to remember, though... if you're not eating as much sugar as you were before... if you have a big sugar binge, you WILL feel it. When I go off sugar (and really watch it well) and then eat a bunch of sugar - even just over a weekend - I start to get shaky and dizzy spells. It's scary! Don't mess with sugar.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Definitely added sugar is the enemy. And refined flour because your body identifies that as sugar too. Even veggies have some sugar! Skip the fruit juice. You can replace your glass of orange juice with a whole orange and a glass of water to stay full longer, get more fiber and more nutrients! Watch out for sneaky things like granola and yogurt that have lots of added sugar but seem 'healthy.'
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I have the same problem. I dont drink anything but water, tea, and coffee. I drink tea once a day and the same with coffee. I add milk and I have noticed milk is higher in sugar. I eat lot of fresh fruit and veggies. I am always over and it gets me so mad. I think their goal on this website is a bit unrealistic. I hear about these celebs that eat no sugar. I would like to know how they do it a nd what they eat......
  • Thanks, everyone. I had a feeling the inability to eat fruits without going over my allowance was something I needed to better understand. I wish MFP took care of that for me and didn't count fresh fruit sugars! hahaha
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I don't even list sugar as a tracked item on mine... it's the overall total calories that matter the most...
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I was wondering the same thing,mine goes over but it's cuz I have a bannana at breakfast and then maybe an apple at my 2:00pm snack.My sugar goes over as much as 50 g. sometimes,so your saying as long as it's real/healthy foods it's cool?
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I love my fruit and therefore I am always over my sugar limits on here---I don't worry about it because the sugars from my fruits and not junk food...
  • ruth1104
    ruth1104 Posts: 40 Member
    A related question, I've found some recipes that use fructose (like Tate & Lyle pure fruit sugar) as a healthier replacement for sugar, does anyone know if it's really better for you? It's sweeter so you're supposed to use less, and says that it's low GI but I don't know what that means... I love baking and really miss it but am a bit nervous of articifial sweeteners!
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I used to not worry about sugar and fruits. Then I got stuck at a certain weight. I then changed my diet and cut out fruits after noon and it seems to help me lose weight again. So I only eat fruit in the morning and early lunch now. So, in short, I don't think you need to worry about sugar in fruits until you want to get into the very low body fat area. Just my 2c.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Maybe revise your philosophy, to "Added sugars and sweeteners are the enemy." LOL. Does not roll off the tongue as easily.

    I do not count sugars that naturally occur in fruits and stuff. I don't add sugar to anything that I cook. I use agave nectar and honey sometimes. No artificial sweeteners here, just cause I think they are nasty!!
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