

  • I think everyone is a little scared when they start. I had let myself go for years and i do mean years. This site is really nice and the people here are so helpful and supportive. You just have to take it one day at a time and tell yourself every day that you are worth it. It wont come off overnight but little by little…
  • Mel you look amazing and you have done great from the very beginning. Even though you have had some walls pop up you have knocked them down and continued on. You definitely have a strong will and amazing determination. Keep doing what you are doing cause you sure are doing it right. Thanks for being an inspiration to…
  • Hi Shelia Im Rita, nice to meet you. MFP is a great place for support, information, meal ideas, and much more. The friends you make are awesome and they help you soooooooooo much. I really like the food diary cause it keeps me on track. I know I have to log my food every day so that helps. Plus knowing all the carbs, fat,…
  • Alot of people tell you to just let it go and dont listen to the insults but words do hurt and sometimes last a long time. But over the years I have found that the only reason people insult others is because they themselves have issues. Deep down inside they must be supressing something and think it makes them feel good to…