Not going to lie, I'm kind of scared

mynameisdumbnuts Posts: 111
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Last year I began counting calories and measuring portions in earnest. I lost 15 pounds in about six months ... and then fell off the bandwagon and gained it all back.

My extra weight has slowly accumulated over the past nine years since my senior year of high school. I'm really hoping this site will help me lose it and keep it off.

Deep down, I'm scared I'll never lose weight. On an intellectual level, I know it's possible, but I'm terrified I'm setting myself up for failure. I'm really encouraged by the tickers that show me how far you all have come. I've read through some posts and everyone is so friendly! I hope I can encourage others with my own success.


  • I think that everyone is scared of that even if they dont admit it outloud. but i think if your in right mind set and mentally and physically ready to do it than you CAN do it !!! it took me a couple years to be mentally ready for weightloss and overcoming the thought of failure but ive learned that not to expect to wke up skinny over night .. i celebrate every ounce i loose and that is what keeps my going :) i am not the kind of person who can only weight weekly bc in order for me to stay on track i weight daily .. some say thats bad but its what works for me .. Im sure youll find something that works for you and succeed greatly !!!

    YOU CAN DO IT !!!!
  • Conratulations to you for trying again. I have battled my weight problem since I was 10 years old and for the first time I feel it is not a diet but a true understanding of how to eat to live not live to eat. Keep up the good work
  • I feel the exact same way, but this time I'M COMMITTED TO IMPROVING MYSELF!! Therefore, no matter how long it takes, I shall reach my goal.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Well if it helps any, I started about 15 months ago and now weigh less than I did mid wrestling season as a senior. Which for me was, accckkk, 17 years ago. Lowest i've been since then. :-)

    You can do it!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    You can do it! It's scary as HELL! but it's worth every second. You have every right to be nervous, excited, terrified to start this journey but if you really want it- you'll make it. You CAN do this one tiny step at a time. :flowerforyou:

    Friend Request coming your way! :bigsmile:
  • I am right there with you. Hang in there though, this site is amazing everyone has been so so helpful! Remember you are not alone and if you are struggling all you have to do is ask for some advice and there are plenty of folks willing to help you the best they can. Good luck!
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    Last year I began counting calories and measuring portions in earnest. I lost 15 pounds in about six months ... and then fell off the bandwagon and gained it all back.

    My extra weight has slowly accumulated over the past nine years since my senior year of high school. I'm really hoping this site will help me lose it and keep it off.

    Deep down, I'm scared I'll never lose weight. On an intellectual level, I know it's possible, but I'm terrified I'm setting myself up for failure. I'm really encouraged by the tickers that show me how far you all have come. I've read through some posts and everyone is so friendly! I hope I can encourage others with my own success.

    i am so in the same boat! since college the weight has slowly added up. i'm scared to death of what i've done to myself over the past decade and hopefully i can get back to a much healthier me. we're here to help each other, right? :D
  • AngelSharum
    AngelSharum Posts: 74 Member
    I have the same fear too, plus some others regarding my health. You CAN lose weight if you are ready and commit to putting yourself and your health first. There are some lovely people here who will help and the tools provided really aid with weight loss because you can see what's going on. Good luck!
  • Thank you, everyone! It's a relief to know others have felt the same way. I'm here to support you as much as you're supporting me. Together, we can do it!
  • I think everyone is a little scared when they start. I had let myself go for years and i do mean years. This site is really nice and the people here are so helpful and supportive. You just have to take it one day at a time and tell yourself every day that you are worth it. It wont come off overnight but little by little you will notice the difference. I still have a ways to go but every day i hang in there and keep going. You will realize just how much you have missed veggie and fruits. Dont forget to do a little exercise too. That will help the weight come off. Slow and steady wins the race. I wish you the very best of luck and if you want add me as a friend. I will be on your support team and root you on...GO GO GO.
  • You have come to the right place! I have never participated in anything as positive and encouraging as this site is. I have made some incredible friends here already and am amazed every day by how much they really do help me. It is never to late to start again toward a healthy you! Best of luck and a friend request is on its way. :flowerforyou:
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