Introducing myself

MAMUSHE Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ! I'm Sheila,
I joined back in May but as usual I put off starting dieting till now. I have over 100 lbs to lose which overwhelms me. Over the years I have tried almost every diet around but I have never used an online site. This site is very interesting and seems to have a lot of ways to track my progress so I hope it will encourage me to be successful this time. I realize that I will need lots and lots of support to accomplish my goal to loose this blubber!! LOL!! :laugh: I know it is not a laughing matter but if i don't use some humor I'll just get so :mad: at myself and depressed about the way I have let myself go that I will sabotage this diet too.

So pleeeeeeeeeeease Help me by being by friend and my health buddy ( i would have said Diet Buddy but i refuse to keep using the " D" word any more)!!! :smile:

Thanks for listening, :heart:


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    OK - quit thinking of it as over 100 and set up some mini goals for yourself with "treats" as rewards. Maybe it is a pedicure after 10 lbs, a facial after 25? Whatever you really enjoy but we have to take it day-by-day and push through the negative feelings and lack of motivation (like I had this morning). You can learn so much through this site by just browsing the message boards once a day! Good Luck and I sent you a friend request!
  • angyltears
    angyltears Posts: 57
    I agree with 4lafz, set up a reward system. I have one, and I get a reward every 10 pounds to help me stay positive about it all. I got some new shirts that I could wear now, but won't look good until I lose a few more pounds.. I hung one up on my wall to motivate me... I can't wear them until I reach my goal for them, let me tell you that I'm really pushing so that I can wear them as soon as possible! You came to the right place for support through it all, you'll find so many helpful people and MFP is a great tool. Keep up the good humor, laughter keeps up all going when it seems like too much! :wink:
    MAMUSHE Posts: 3
    Thank you 4lafz for answering me.

    Your right I will have to break the 100 lbs down to minuscule goals ( like 1 lb!! :laugh: ). I really like the idea of small rewards along the way and those are great ideas. I am a grandmother of a 3 year old boy and I want to be able to move faster ( without all this weight ) and be able to take him to some place like SIx Flags. Right now I don't think I can fit in any of the rides so this is one of my BIG goals.
    What is a friend request or where can I find it on this site?
    I really do need a friend so I appreciate you writting my.
    GOOD LUCK back to ya.
    MAMUSHE Posts: 3
    Hi!! angyltears

    This is great to have instant friends to support you. I have never heard of using a piece of clothing to give you and incentive to loose (What a great idea!!). Looking forward to visiting with all my new friends.
    Good Luck back to you and congrats on your success !!
  • Rita47
    Rita47 Posts: 4
    Hi Shelia Im Rita, nice to meet you. MFP is a great place for support, information, meal ideas, and much more. The friends you make are awesome and they help you soooooooooo much. I really like the food diary cause it keeps me on track. I know I have to log my food every day so that helps. Plus knowing all the carbs, fat, sodium, fiber, etc is such a tremendous help too. Just make sure you try to get 1200 calories each day. Going below that really isnt good. You will have days when you struggle, I know I do, but I have found one thing that helps me ALOT.........say to yourself each day...... I AM MORE THAN WORTH IT. Puts a smile on your face and a confidence in your step. Best of luck on your journey. I would like to add you as a friend if you dont mind. Way I figure it, the more friends the more support.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Sure I'll be a friend. Remember to eat lots of greens and be healthy. Also remember to cook more for yourself and minimize the processed foods as much as possible. Take care and see you on

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