bzymummy Member


  • She's so beautiful, congrats on your new addition and the decision to make a change for yourself. We are all here for the same thing. I have found a lot of support on this site as I am sure you will too. Add me if you would like. Good luck reaching your goals.
  • Isn't it fantastic! The support from the different people is amazing. Feel free to add me, you can never have to much support. :)
  • Wow, you have been through alot. My dad suffered with almost the same thing so I can understand how hard it must be for you to move let alone exercise. This is a really cool site, alot of support on here. Add me if you would like, you can never have enough support. Hope you reach your goals. :)
    in Newbie Comment by bzymummy August 2010
  • Welcome! I am fairly new as well. I joined a couple of years ago but didn't stick with it. I just found the site again last night. Feel free to add me, we are all in this together.
  • A great pair of jeans and some red high heels :)
  • What an awesome attitude to have. I would have been complaining but you seem to see the bright side of things. Good for you :)
  • I've been wanting to purchase this. Do you actually feel like you are working out with it? I would hate to buy it and just feel like I'm playing a game.
  • You sound like you really got it figured out. Good for you. I am going to try some of your suggestions. My problem is I don't eat enough and when I do eat it is normally something I can grab quick. Thanks for your post.
  • I am very green when it comes to the whole calorie counting, calorie burning part of weight loss.From what I have read you need to burn more then you eat in order to lose weight but how do you know how much you are burning. I am so confused. Can someone help me? Is there a book all of you have read? Maybe this is why I…
  • I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to stop drinking Pop. I think I have an addiction to it. I don't drink, smoke or anything like that but I have no problem drinking 3 or 4 cans of coke a day. I have tried to cut down so I can stop drinking it but I get severe headaches when I try. I have an…
  • Is this something that we have to join or do we just watch for it. I just joined tonight and I really don't know what I am doing yet. Can someone please help. LOL
  • Hi everyone! I am new to this site; I just found it tonight. I am 28 and a married mother to 3 boys, I work full time days and my husband works nights so it seems like alot of times I am a single mom. I am looking for ways to get into shape and make healthy meals for my children quickly and easily. I do alot of volunteer…