cmarie20 Member


  • I am good at starting a new routine or trying to eat healthy and then it consumes me i start thinking about it all the time. I want to lose weight i want to be healthy but everyday I am faced with the reality that people get sick and sometimes i look at the task and think its to much i cant do it going to go back to eating…
  • is there protient powders that are water based that taste like a fruit drink i can t tolerate milk or soy
  • im in i need a challenge to focus my energy on little goals
  • maybe you hit a plateau try increasing your speed while walking interval training with speed walking helps it dosen't hurt as bad when you know i only need to go faster for one minute at a time. Increase your water intake and make sure your getting your protien. You could be building muscle if thats the case and your doing…
  • i am a carrot working on being a coffee bean :) thanks for the pick me up i really needed that !
  • 31 years old just starting to get serious about getting rid of the belly people keep mistaking for a baby......definetly time to put me first for a few minutes of the day