Someone help I keep going up and down 2 pounds for the last two weeks last week I worked out 5 days and went up 2 pounds. I am not lifting any weight just power walking. I eat 1,200 cals a day any advice would help please!!!!


  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    It's really better to be on a 1500/cal per day diet. 1200 is just tempting your body to start saving calories and causing you to yo-yo. Why don't you try it at 1500 and see how you do?
  • cmarie20
    cmarie20 Posts: 7 Member
    maybe you hit a plateau try increasing your speed while walking interval training with speed walking helps it dosen't hurt as bad when you know i only need to go faster for one minute at a time. Increase your water intake and make sure your getting your protien. You could be building muscle if thats the case and your doing all of that be patient it will work !
  • tsdsign
    tsdsign Posts: 18 Member
    When my body reached a plateau I changed up my workout. Your body is getting used to the same routine. Sometimes keeping the body in shock can help out because it's not getting used to the same old. Lifting weights would be a good idea too. Although most women think it will bulk them up.... it doesn't. It actually helps to burn fat quicker. It also gets you nice and toned.
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202 Member
    I think you need to eat more calories!
  • rah9306
    rah9306 Posts: 26 Member
    I will try going up to 1,500 cals
  • It's really better to be on a 1500/cal per day diet. 1200 is just tempting your body to start saving calories and causing you to yo-yo. Why don't you try it at 1500 and see how you do?

    I have to agree, if you dont give your body enough food it will go into starvation mode and store clories instead of buring them. You calorie count might not be enough for you personnel needs. Also you need to increase the amount of clean protien you are taking in whenever you start dieting. Digestin of protien ( I believe) speeds up your motabalism and it gives your body a source of energy that it will mostly burn and not store but make sure it is clean protien, ( chicken breast, tunna, turkey breast, mostly all fish but baked of coarse). I use a lot of canned chicken breast, it is convienent and low calorie with high protien, just add a table spoon of barbeque sauce light seasoning salt and pop it into the microwave.
  • ncm251
    ncm251 Posts: 24
    When my body reached a plateau I changed up my workout. Your body is getting used to the same routine. Sometimes keeping the body in shock can help out because it's not getting used to the same old. Lifting weights would be a good idea too. Although most women think it will bulk them up.... it doesn't. It actually helps to burn fat quicker. It also gets you nice and toned.

    I am plateauing. I have lost 17 out of the 24 kg I'm aiming to lose and they say the last few kilos / pounds are the hardest to shed... But I've been weight training every 2-3 days.

    Building muscle is meant to help you burn more calories at rest. According to a few exercise calculators I've been looking at, doing moderate effort weight training burns about the same about of calories per min as light / moderate walking (about 3 calories per min). I find I get REALLY hungry after... but it's usually evened out by the amount of calories I've burned. it also doesn't hurt to have a higher calorie day once a week either.

    I know I'm losing the weight at a far slower pace these days... but at least the weight training is helping me tone up too! So it's a win win situation.

    Good luck with it all! Let us know how you go!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I was stuck for a month going up and down 2lbs every week and then i went up to 1500 calories. i dropped 2.5 lbs. i need to start working out more though i got lazy and only workout 3 times a week from 7 days at 1200 calories.
  • tsdsign
    tsdsign Posts: 18 Member
    When my body reached a plateau I changed up my workout. Your body is getting used to the same routine. Sometimes keeping the body in shock can help out because it's not getting used to the same old. Lifting weights would be a good idea too. Although most women think it will bulk them up.... it doesn't. It actually helps to burn fat quicker. It also gets you nice and toned.

    I am plateauing. I have lost 17 out of the 24 kg I'm aiming to lose and they say the last few kilos / pounds are the hardest to shed... But I've been weight training every 2-3 days.

    Building muscle is meant to help you burn more calories at rest. According to a few exercise calculators I've been looking at, doing moderate effort weight training burns about the same about of calories per min as light / moderate walking (about 3 calories per min). I find I get REALLY hungry after... but it's usually evened out by the amount of calories I've burned. it also doesn't hurt to have a higher calorie day once a week either.

    I know I'm losing the weight at a far slower pace these days... but at least the weight training is helping me tone up too! So it's a win win situation.

    Good luck with it all! Let us know how you go!!

    That is true. Weightlifting will make you HUNGRY. That's because your metabolism will be higher. But aside from just cardio weightlifting is essential. It helps your bones and guard against other injuries. However, the week I decide to take body pump or strength training classes I'm heavier. I feel heavy. So, I do not weigh-in on those weeks. I wait 'til the following week to weigh-in. But, weightlifting is something I wouldn't skip out on.

    Although my calorie intake says I should consume 1,200 calories/day..... I don't. I consume anywhere from 1,200 - 1,600 calories on those days I work out heavily. I exercise 3-4 days a week. And burn anywhere from 600 - 1,300 calories each time I workout. Oh, and after each workout I make sure to have me a smoothie with some protein.
  • Also Quit weighing so much, just use your clothes to judge. You will fluctuate daily do to water and sodium intake, staring at the scale will drive you crazy!!
  • I am having the same problem and I too only eat 1200 calories a day! I am going to try and bump mine up too and see if that works! I hope it does!