

  • Check out Hungry Girl has healthy versions for almost anything, and she has some great finds in grocery stores for snacks and desserts. For example, she has a great recipe for onion rings that is just 150 calories (serving 12 rings), and they are normally over 500 at the restaurants (you get…
  • Have you seen the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead? Check it out. It's very motivating. I just started juice diet yesterday, and I will do it for 7 days. It helps you lose weight and cleans your body. I am on my second day and feeling really good. I cooked dinner for my husband and my daughter last night, and had no…
  • Vitatops are really good. They are big, filling, and only 100 calories. They have different flavores. My favorite is Fudgy Peanut Butter Chip VitaTops. I usually add a little bit of fat free whip cream (5-10 calories) to it, and it makes a really good dessert. Check out the for more details. You…
  • I am in....already sent a message to Tiffypooh2u.
  • I am 5'7!
  • I have started using the phone application on Monday, and just now logged in to the web site. I am working full time, and have a 3 year old daugther. This looks like a great web site, with lots of information, and community support. I am trying to lose 30 pounds. Hopefully, this community will keep me motivated. :-)