adie_rogers Member


  • Ditto! And if I'm not on MFP on the computer then I'm on it on my iPhone! But I'm 'meeting' some great & inspirational people and really enjoying my weight-loss journey! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
  • Just Googled my house to Disneyland Paris and it's only 383km! I'll only be walking though so it might take me a while!
  • I'm in England too so I might look at how far it is to Disneyland Paris!! I'm not sure I'll make it all the way to America! Great idea!
  • Great site! My ideal weight according to that is 160-175lbs which is pretty much what I am aiming for (well, 175 as a start!!). Thanks!
  • Hiya! I also have an underactive thyroid and am on Levothyroxime 100mcg. I have tried to lose weight & diet since I was diagnosed 18 months ago and nothing was working. Any weight I did lose would go straight back on! But I have been on this site for almost 2 weeks now - I use the iPhone app all the time - and thnigs…
  • That's FANTASTIC!!! Although that does give you one less excuse to go clothes shopping!! My current dream is to be able to buy a pair of UK14 trousers!! (I think that's a US10?) My work trousers are on their last legs but I refuse to buy any new ones now! Like you, I had decided to make the change a few days before I…
  • I am on here more than Facebook now too! Both my friend Hayley & I are totally addicted and I am spreading the word to anyone who will listen!!
  • I am also an MFP addict! And I couldn't do it without my iPhone! I've been here 11 days now and can definitely see my behaviour changing - It's making an amazing difference to the way I eat. I've not seen much coming off on the scales as yet but I'm drinking a LOT more water so I'm hoping that's why. I have already lost an…
  • Hi There! I'm also quite new - it's Day 8 for me - and I also have a thyroid condition. I was diagnosed 18 months ago now and haven't been able to shift the extra weight. And anything I do shift goes straight back on! My main goal at the moment is to lose around 20lbs but unlike you, I DON'T exercise! Well, I run around…
    in Hello Comment by adie_rogers July 2011
  • Hiya! I'm loving bagels at the moment - either with soup or with a topping like ham & salad cream. And it sounds super weird but I love crackers with sandwich spread and chicken on top! I hope you find something yummy!
  • Oops, just realised there's a recipes board too! I'll re-post there.........
  • Hey! I've been here a few days now and am loving it!! I'm more than happy to share my menus each week. Since having my daughter I've planned all my meals at the beginning of the week and then do the shopping accordingly. It keeps everything organised and has really helped from a budgeting perspective. And now I can bring…
  • Welcome Kakes! I'm new too - it's day 3 for me and I am loving it! I wish you every sucess with your weight loss - feel free to add me if you like. Adie.xx
  • Hi There! Congratulations on your little one! I am also hoping to shift the baby weight - although my 'baby' is 3 (and a half)! I would say that if you are breast feeding you will proabably not struggle too much to lose the weight as long as you eat sensibly - don't put your calorie goal too low as you need to sustain baby…
  • Hi! I just joined too - am on day 3 now and am still enthusiastic! I did go over my calories today - oops! - so I either need to eat less or exercise more tomorrow! Best of luck. xx