Losing with Thyroid Disease... ?

I've skimmed through some posts and seen some replies where people have said they have thyroid problems.
I was diagnosed in June with Autoimmune Thyroiditis and am Hypothyroid. I am on Levothyroxine 100mcg. My TSH was at 242 at diagnosis (range 0.45-4.50!) - Way out high. I had tried diet pills and 4 weeks of p90x and saw no results. My TSH is now at 14 and other numbers in line, so my dr. said to try p90x again and she is sure I will drop the weight this time. . . Anyone else with thyroid disease have any pointers and/or experiences??


  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I was just started on 50mcg of Synthroid but during the previous month my doctor recommended 1 gallon of ICE water daily to increase my metabolism and only going to the gym 3 days a week, i can ride a bike or walk on the other 4 days. These changes are helping and I hope the meds wil help even more.
  • WiiFitFan
    WiiFitFan Posts: 156 Member
    Interesting about the ice water. I am on 88 mcg Synthroid.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Hi... I was diagnosed in March after being in the ER for a broken leg. Mine was 252! I am also at 100mcg of Levo and am having more labs this week as my numbers 2 weeks ago were in the 40s.

    My doc has assured me that as I get more mobile (just off crutches this past week) that I will see the weight drop, especially as we keep updating the meds to get me closer to being at level. It's nice to know that it wasn't all me but I still know that I didn't help w/ having unhealthy eating habits!
  • beckbop
    beckbop Posts: 75
    i got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid last year. i have been on thyroxine medication since then and still havent lost any weight :mad: :mad: :mad: :explode:

    but good luck to you :smile:
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I too have hypothyroid. As long as you are taking your pills and the Dr. has you on the right dose, you should be in the normal range. Things after that should go smoothly. It's amazing what the pill does as far as how you feel. It felt like my batteries fell out- just a really different kind of being tired. I've been on Synthroid for over 16 years and they work well. In fact everyone always gives me a bad time about how I do everything so fast like walking, etc.
    I can always tell if my dose needs to be changed though. I visit my Dr and sure enough it would be off. As soon as I get a new strength and it is in normal range everything is great again.
    It doesn't change that often, but once in a while it might.
    Hope you do well with your thyroid pills. :)
  • adie_rogers
    adie_rogers Posts: 17 Member
    I also have an underactive thyroid and am on Levothyroxime 100mcg. I have tried to lose weight & diet since I was diagnosed 18 months ago and nothing was working. Any weight I did lose would go straight back on! But I have been on this site for almost 2 weeks now - I use the iPhone app all the time - and thnigs finally seeem to be happening. And just thinking about the way I'm eating is making me feel much more positive and certainly have better energy levels.
    There really isn't that much information available in the UK for what to do about losing weight and my GP is generally very unhelpful whenever I try to ask questions! Although to be fair to him, he was brilliant when I was being diagnosed.
    I would recommend adding a girl called 'crmhaske' on here. She is also hypothyroid and seems very knowledgeable about it. For example, I didn't know that thyroid problams can affect how you body deals with insulin - so call the time I was relying on sugary snacks & cola to keep my energy levels up I was actually making my life more difficult!
    I will add you as a friend and we can compare notes in the future.
    Best of luck on your journey - it's twice as hard for us but we can get there! xxx
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I was diagnosed June 2008 I believe. I am currently on Synthroid 75mcg. I have lost 152 lbs, so it is definitely possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism. My mother has it too and she's lost 53 lbs. Her thyroid is off way worse than mine, so she loses way more slowly, but she has still managed to lose that much.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    you can do it but its hard. I was diagnosed 14 yrs ago with hypothyroidism but i'm managing to slowly shed pounds but its kickin my but at times. good luck
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I too have hypothyroid and take 112 mcg thyroxine , I have managed to lose 77lbs since last july . It is possible to lose we just have to work hard at it and be consistant. Good luck to all of you.........and CONGRATS to those of you that have lost
  • chantihayes
    Wow, thank you ALL so much for responses !
    Has anyone read Mary Shoman's The Thyroid Diet? I just came across it online and am going to see if it is at my library this weekend...
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I had graves disease (forget the technical term, I am not any meds, docs say my levels are normal..I say B**S**T
    Its very frustrating! I had the radioactive iodine treatment 9 yrs ago as well
  • MissConfidence
    Just started Levothyroxine Sodium 50 mcg today... My TSH was 7.88 and my initial response was that it didn't sound very high (5.5 being the top range) but my doc seems to think it's better to get on it especially if I get pregnant soon, which is the idea. Still feel a little weird about the whole thing because I usually don't take anything for headaches because I feel strange about putting stuff like that in my body (not fast food junk, that's ok - go figure my logic). But he seemed to say it is completely natural and is basically what the body is supposed to be producing, so I won't have any side effects. Anyone experience any side effects from the medication? Sure would be nice to have some of the symptoms go away that I've been experiencing...
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I also take Levothyroxin, but a smaller dose and my numbers haven't been as crazy as yours. But, I also take a B Complex vitamin and vitamin C, which helps your body to better use the B vitamins. B vitamins have been shown to help the metabolism.

    You might also consider making a steam room or sauna the end-part of your workout routine. I've noticed with my hypothyroidism, my body temp is usually low. The steam room and sauna increase my temp and keep the burn going just a little longer after the work out.

    The good news here is, you're super cute to start with. :)
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I was just started on 50mcg of Synthroid but during the previous month my doctor recommended 1 gallon of ICE water daily to increase my metabolism and only going to the gym 3 days a week, i can ride a bike or walk on the other 4 days. These changes are helping and I hope the meds wil help even more.

    I'm curious about this, since I've never seen/heard about using ice water to increase metabolism. And any idea what the theory is behind the gym 3 days and lower level exercise the others?

    I ask because I also have hypothyroidism and am taking 88 mcg of levothroid; 2 months ago was the first time since being diagnosed almost 2 years ago that my levels were finally within the normal range (although on the high end). I'm due for a recheck in a couple of weeks to see if the levels are still within the normal range. I am hoping they are NOT because since the end of March, I've been using MFP diligently to record food and exercise, so I know I'm not cheating. I'm netting 1200 calories day (eat most exercise calories back), which is about a 500-600 calorie deficit. I've lost about 10 pounds in 16 weeks (which I'm not going to sneeze at), but it is frustrating to be losing at such a slow pace. I am working with a dietician and the slow weight loss leads her to suspect the thyroid issue is a significant contributing factor. As for stats, I'm 5'4", currently 188, and exercise (elliptical and/or treadmill) 3-4/week, for about 300-400 calories each time.
  • BamaMomma
    BamaMomma Posts: 53
    I too have hypothyroidism, which I guess is a small reason why I had put on extra weight over the years. My endocrinologist told me I was fat and to lose weight. Even with exercise and calorie-counting, I wasn't losing the weight that he wanted me to. He put me on 150 mcg of Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium) and that helped out some, I think. However, I have lost nearly 40 lbs and I am no longer on Synthroid. I guess my thyroid worked its own problems out. All I had to do was lose the weight and eat better. :)
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I also have hypothyroidism. I take synthroid daily. Losing weight has been a struggle but it can be done. Ive lost 54 pounds in 7 months.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    It can be done :) I am hypothyroid and on 150mcg of synthroid daily and ever other day I take another 12.5mcg. My Dr was surprised I was still functioning my numbers were so off!

    I find you have to stick with it. watch your intake and your output. The worst part is I have found when I get too lax on what I am eating I gain it back faster than most. I lost over 100lbs in a year a couple years ago, Took 6 or so months off, not caring and back to old habits and gained back 30lbs very quickly. You just have to work at it.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MissConfidence
    so is the overall consensus that this is a condition for life or that it can fix itself somehow down the line?
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I believe you take the thyroid replacement pills (mine being Synthroid) for the rest of your life. Since mine doesn't produce the normal amount is it supposed to, the pill replaces what it doesn't do.
  • chantihayes
    so is the overall consensus that this is a condition for life or that it can fix itself somehow down the line?

    It depends how your body reacts, but generally once your thyroid stops properly working you need the hormone replacement for life. Sometimes with an underactive thyroid the dr. will take a wait and see approach, but some people have a thyroid that has flat out failed... mine will never work again like many with hypothyroidism , so yep, medication for life.... And dont think of it like a regular medicine, because it is just a replacement.. for something your body is supposed to make. If you're not really comfortable with the synthetic stuff, you can ask for Armour, which is dessicated thyroid hormone... but usually it only gets Rx 'd if the synthetic stuff doesn't work well.

    I appreciate everyone's input - Gives me a lot of motivation and inspiration that I will see results!

    And Tim -- or, iTim lol, ... you're very kind, thank you :)