fluffychick73 Member


  • Spritna, That sounds awesome! I have done the sliced frozen bananas, but never with the peanut butter. Will definitely have to try the grapes too. I usually just freeze those and eat the frozen, although like you I kind of prefer to do that in the summer.
  • I have the same problem!! I usually have a handful of raisins or something like that to help curb the temptation. I also found a recipe on Pinterest for some sugarless, flourless cookies that I really like and will make those once in a while to help. "Cookie" recipe is: 2 - ripe bananas 1 cup oats Mash bananas and then mix…
  • So far I am loving my FitBit One. Haven't really used the sleep feature yet. Mostly use it to track steps and flights of stairs. Still using my heart rate monitor for calorie burn during workouts. I have not been logging food on my FitBit either. I find if I have to log it in more than one place I get frustrated and quit…
  • I am so excited! I wore it all weekend. Saturday I was fighting to get to 10,000 steps, as we traveled a lot, so it was a day of windshield time and not really many steps. Yesterday I got over 17,000 steps and it said 54 flights of stairs!!
  • My Fitbit One showed up in the mail today! So excited to get it set up and start trying it out!!! Thanks for all the imput. AHBly, I'm so jealous that you get to go to Disney on the weekends!!! I bet that does put your Force to the text! :) I also have a desk job, so not anticipating a whole lot of steps, but maybe this…
  • Oh, I love sugar snap peas as well!! What a great choice! Right now I'm doing a lot of clementines (or Cuties, whatever you want to call them). In the summer I do frozen grapes, they say it helps with the chocolate cravings! I also like to have a hard boiled egg, or a piece of string cheese. It just depends on what I am…
  • I have actually been torn between the One and the Flex. I like the bracelet style of the Flex, but don't like that it doesn't have read out on it, like the One. I want to be able to see what my step count is without going to my phone or computer. Am I wrong with that assumption that is doesn't have a read out on it? When I…
  • Thanks for all your input! I think I'm going to get the Fitbit One. I just can't see paying $30.00 more for the Force, as it doesn't offer that many more features than the others and recently I have seen some bad press on it causing a lot of skin irritation/damage. I have seen a few reviews that says the steps are off…
  • Thanks ladies!! I may have to check out that Striiv Play too.
  • I love to try Disney recipes at home! I need to get back on allears and try some more!
  • I'm sorry, I just found your post! I did WW years ago with great results, only to get within 20 lbs of goal to find out I was pregnant and had to quit. I know it works! The thing I love about WW is that they teach you to eat normal food, not force you to purchase their food, like some other programs. Have you checked out…
  • Wow! Tough questions! I think my favorite park would be Magic Kingdom, with Epcot very close behind. I have too many favorite rides to list! :)
  • Not sure. :( Wish I could be one of those that goes once a year, but just don't have the money. Was supposed to go for a work convention next week, but no go. My heart said "GO!", but my head said,"not this time". Dang head! Hopefully will be able to get out to Disneyland sometime in the near future. I've never been there…
  • Logging what I eat is such an important thing for me! Once I stop doing that I just go downhill. I am going to try to get in some sort of workout everyday, even if it's just 30 minutes on the treadmill, I'm going to do something. Also I am trying to spend my calories on foods with nutritional value and not just empty…
  • A runDisney race is definitely on my bucket list! I am not a runner, but completed my first 5K last year.
  • Everyone needs to be sure that they hit their 1200 (or whatever your calorie count may be) calories per day, before exercise! I found out the hard way several years ago that you do have a minimum that you have to have or your body starts holding on to everything and you gain weight. I was one of those who thought, if I eat…
  • Some days it is extremely hard to stay under the 1200 calories, others it's easy. I think mine has a lot to do with my stress level. I am a major stress eater! I try to snack on a lot of fresh fruits. Apples, Clementines, grapes, pineapple, kiwi, bananas. I also like dill pickles or string cheese (just not together!) :)…