

  • First thing that struck me was that you said you use sweetener. I know it seems to make sense but using artificial sweeteners is a terrible way to cut calories. Your body thinks it's getting sugar when it isnt and that can really mess you up. Go ahead and use something natural like honey or agave nectar. they have higher…
  • Oh, my! Been there, done that! Dont get discouraged though! We all have to start somewhere and I commend you for doing something good for you health. Hang in there and in no time you will need a smaller swimsuit and you will look amazing in it!
  • You're on the right track! This is all about small changes that you can sustain! It may seem so silly to cut the sugar in your coffee in half or skip the chips and be happy, but it all adds up to a better life! Keep making a small goal for yourself every week. Get through one change at a time. Maybe next week you can not…