

  • Articles that discuss what foods are healthy sources to use to gain weight;
  • If you are breastfeediing that already merits extra calories. I've been told to add extra proteins (not starches) and good fats (nuts) to my diet. I can easily go up a pound but it never sticks. I know an insane problem to have but my metabolish is now in extreme overdrive. I ate all kinds of great things while I was in my…
  • Try a fat free vanilla pudding, cut up banana and sprinkle with cinnamon - then zap in mirco for about 15 seconds. Delicious!!
  • I was actually unsure of posting something like this. I also joined for the same reason. I lose 25lbs since Jan but now can't stop losing and it's close to being unhealthy. I set my goal to gain a pound a week but can't even get close to the calory intake it's telling me I need without going over somewhere else. For the…
  • That's a huge success! I was the same and loved to bake. While on maternity leave would bake muffins weekly for playdates and thought they were going to derail my weight lose but the cravings for sweet things stopped and I was sometimes satisfied with half of a muffin. GREAT WORK!
  • Fitting back into old clothes is always a great feeling! Great work!!
    in Small NSV Comment by dance_jen July 2011
  • I finished the 30 day shred a while back and totally got result that are visible - love it!! Looking to try her Ab one next. How did you calculate how many calories burned. I tried to track it under exercise and I could not believe that "Jillian Micheals" did not come up.
  • New to this site and trying to maintain the weight lost since January. Also, want to know what SAHM is? SW: 135 Goal achieved: 110
  • I went through something mid-way to my goal where I plateaued and just got stuck at a certain weight. I lost some motivation and wanted to go back to bad habits but stuck it through and reached my goal (and beyond). It sounds like you’ve been doing great for 4 months. Your body may be adjusting. I also hit a phase where I…