Satifying Dessert or Snack

Gretnamaba Posts: 9 Member
Today I had a cup of strawberries and a Hunt's chocolate pudding cup and decided to dip the strawberries in the pudding. Yummiest low-cal "fondue" I've had. It totally satisfied my sweet tooth as well. All for 140 calories!


  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    that sounds really good.
    I like to make baked apples or fruit. Cut it up and put some splenda on it and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350. If its apples put some cinnamon too. Tada baked apple :) yummy
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Awesome! I recently discovered Jello Temptations Chocolate Mouse, and I dumped that over some strawberries and it was to die for!
  • mbb0301
    mbb0301 Posts: 33
    I like dark chocolate covered almonds. I usually have about 3 of them, which satisfies my sweet tooth and its only 63 calories. Plus the antioxidants in the dark chocolate and the almonds are good for you.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Yum! I like to have some sliced strawberries and bananas covered with fat-free vanilla yogurt and a little drizzle of chocolate. SO good.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I have recently tried the snack idea that someone posted on here a few weeks ago. You take about a tsp of Instant Jello Pudding mix, my favorite is the cheesecake flavored one, and mix it in some greek yogurt. Yes-- I can now eat "cheesecake" and don't have to run an extra 3 miles to get rid of the calories and NO GUILT!!!!!! I've used the plain greek yogurt and the vanilla and the honey and blueberry. They were all yummy! I plan to try chocolate or butterscotch pudding mix next.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    i ould recommend fage 0% greek yogurt (170g tub) and a teaspoon of honey, mixed well.

    125 calories, and 18g of protein :)
  • dance_jen
    dance_jen Posts: 10
    Try a fat free vanilla pudding, cut up banana and sprinkle with cinnamon - then zap in mirco for about 15 seconds. Delicious!!