

  • I know what you mean... I have been doing this since July and have only lost 11.4 lbs. However, I do know that the slower I take it off the longer it is going to last for me. Also, look at the other non-scale victories you have had... like do you feel better, do you sleep better, does a pair of jeans fit better, do you…
  • You might... but it is really not good not to eat all of those calories. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode and often when you do eat you will actually gain weight.
  • How is your water intake? I drink a lot of water and that helps me with feeling hungry.
  • GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Congrats on such a success!!!
  • I agree that don't ever give up. I would also agree, you might not be eating enough for your body not to feel like it is starving. The brief look I did at your journal, I might also suggest getting in more wholesome foods, like more veggies and fruits and adding more variety to your diet. That has been one thing I have…