getting discouraged by other's success??

I know it sounds silly, and mean, but I really am getting discouraged. I see everyone else losing weight by double digits in the same time frame I have lost only single digits. I am happy for everyone, but can't understand why it is so slow for me. Could really use some ideas for motivation and the support of others right now, because frankly, I am almost going to quit.....


  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member

    In all honesty, everyone has a different body.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Everyone loses at different rates. Remind yourself of the changes you have made. I know it's hard when others around are losing weight faster, but I use that as a motivator to keep going. IN fact that is what got me started on this journey.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Every person is different. If you compare yourself only to what others are doing, you will miss the great things you are doing. I am not losing weight at the speed of light myself. I have a looooong way to go. But, I celebrate my successes and don't focus on the failures. I am happy for the people around me who are having more success and less success, because each of us has a different path and different challenges. Best of luck!
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member

    You have been doing so well, and heck yes it is VERY frustrating to see some lose it way easier then others.. but you are not them, they are not you. Be SO happy about what you have accomplished.. you just had a baby and have already lost so much weight.. it is going to take time =)

    Breathe, and maybe try switching a few things up, add in a new kind of exercise or try a new food to rev your weight loss engine up, just DO NOT GIVE UP
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I know it sounds silly, and mean, but I really am getting discouraged. I see everyone else losing weight by double digits in the same time frame I have lost only single digits. I am happy for everyone, but can't understand why it is so slow for me. Could really use some ideas for motivation and the support of others right now, because frankly, I am almost going to quit.....

    The fact that you're losing ANYTHING is proof you don't need to quit...
  • bhoochy
    bhoochy Posts: 35 Member
    Quit? Because other people are losing more than you are??? you have to remember that you are still losing single digits and if you quit you will probably put all that weight back on. Be happy that you are losing at all and don't get frustrated with others success but use them to learn how to change it up.

    Quiting is never the answer
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    well, I see you have lost about 30lbs, that's motivation enough. My weight loss has either been at standstill or doing some weird fluctuations, I blame myself for inconsistency. but even though I have a ways togo, why on earth would i mess that up? I read this somewhere, if you had a flat tire, would you get out and slash the other three? nope, just fix that one and keep going. so don't even think about quitting, you have done great, keep on going.
  • I know what you mean... I have been doing this since July and have only lost 11.4 lbs. However, I do know that the slower I take it off the longer it is going to last for me.

    Also, look at the other non-scale victories you have had... like do you feel better, do you sleep better, does a pair of jeans fit better, do you have more veggies or fruit in your day.

    Trust me I understand how hard it is to see people who are having great success quickly, but there is so much more to celebrate then the number on the scale.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    I'm also having a slow time of it but I am reducing my weight by about 1 lb per week. My nutritionist is fine with this weight loss and I'm becoming more comfortable. I have about 50 lbs to lose so I'm resigned to taking all the time I need to succeed. I have been so encouraged by people on this site who have succeeded in losing large amounts of weight so I ,keep following this plan. My ultimate goal is to keep the weight off and I don't believe (for me) that will happen if I reduce quickly. It hasn't in the past so I'm trying to do things differently this time.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Are you logging every day? Are you drinking 8+ glasses of water? Are you exercising? Are you making changes in your lifestyle and creating new and healthy habits? Are you feeling better about yourself? Do you have more energy because you're treating your body with the love and respect that it deserves? Then why do you care about a stupid number on a stupid scale? Keep doing the little things and eventually the weight loss will catch up with you. The weight didn't go on overnight and it surely won't come off that way either. Hang in there.
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    I can totally relate. It took me two years to take off these 64 lbs. Sometimes I get stuck for months. But you know what? I am keeping it off, even making progress right now in making the scale go down.

    When I first started WW, two dear friends were struggling through horrific divorces. One was theoretically doing WW with me. Both of them dropped massive amounts of weight--I'm guessing 50, 60 lbs.--in a matter of months. They were starving themselves or were too upset to eat. At the time I was struggling to lose 0.5 lb/week with journaling, heavy exercise, etc. It was crushing for me--not that I wanted to trade places with them, but it was hard just to see them shrinking before my eyes while I was working so hard.

    Fast forward: Guess who has kept the weight off and learned lots of new habits, while the other two have gained back a good bit of their weight?

    Moral of the story to me is: Lose the weight slowly through real behavior changes and commit to it as a lifestyle change, not a quick fix--you wil be much less likely to gain.

    Wow--didn't mean to write so much--guess I could really relate!

    Take care!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Don't be discouraged by anyone else's success, or failure!
    Focus on yourself and on how to achieve your goals. If there are people around you who are meeting their goals quicker than you. Use this as motivation and know that it is possible to achieve your goals.
    Also, from my experience, don't focus on large numbers. Put your energy into the 1 - 2 lbs per week weight loss that MFP sets up for you. By focusing on this small short term weekly goal, you will see success quickly that builds week to week. Before you know it you will have accumulated your double digit weight loss goal.

    Keep up the good work!
  • I agree with what the others said, we are all different & as painful as it is there are people who has slower metabolisms & burn fewer calories than others which is why they don't lose much weight but the fact is, they CAN still LOSE WEIGHT. Never compare yourself with other's weight loss even if both of you are on the same height, weight, age & gender with identical diet & exercise regimen. Our bodies respond differently to diet & exercise, its just that there are those whose bodies responds faster than others.

    Also you mentioned that you are losing single digits means that you are indeed losing weight so just be patient & soon you will get there.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Your ticker show you only have 5lbs to go....and you are considering quitting???
  • why are you giving up now when your sticker says you only have 5 more lb to go.

    Sorry i didn't see your goal weights, but your sticker does say only 5lb to go,

    my mantra is "GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION"

    It doesn't matter what other people are loosing, it's what your body is doing and they do say the slower it comes off the easier it is to keep off.
    There are a lot of people who started the same time as me and have lost far more than i have and there are some that started before me and have not lost as much,
    so just keep going you will get there in the end,
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    This may be overly direct, and I am sorry if it comes across as mean, but you need to hear it. The attitude of; others are doing better then me, so I might as well quit, is probably what has gotten you to where you are to start with. It's time to focus on you, focus on what you BEST is, and then give it. In life you have total control of your effort, and very little control of the results, so be true to yourself and put in the effort that will make you proud. Quitting will do nothing but lead to worse self esteem, and a life of poor health, so is that really worth it?

    Change up your exercise pattern, adjust the foods you're eating, or just stay the course and be proud of slow and steady, it doesn't really matter, just KEEP PUSHING FORWARD. This is YOUR journey, not anyone elses. When you learn to be proud of who you are, and what you are doing, then you'll be able to put on blinders to what others are doing. Frankly it doesn't matter what others are doing...they aren't YOU.

    Change your mindset, and you will change your life. The fact is, YOU ARE WORTH IT!

    Now, quit your crying (playfully said), and get your butt in motion. Today is another perfect opportunity to give it your BEST!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Are you logging your food? I did not see anything in your journals? It is shocking to me when logging food how many calories etc are in certain foods, you don't even realize that you are overeating!

    Don't have acheived weight loss this far along in your journey, keep going! Keep your chin held up high and don't compare yourself to others (hard to do, as I am guilty of the same crime :) )

    Good luck to you!!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. For two weeks now I haven't lost anything. And I'm not sure why, and yes, you feel like giving up. But giving up is what got us here in the first place. So I'll continue, for how much longer? I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm not ready to give up so soon. Discouraged, yes, but you'll get back on track, and hopefully so will I soon. Just keep it up!

    lol now I need to see if I can take my own advice.
  • bhoochy
    bhoochy Posts: 35 Member
    This may be overly direct, and I am sorry if it comes across as mean, but you need to hear it. The attitude of; others are doing better then me, so I might as well quit, is probably what has gotten you to where you are to start with. It's time to focus on you, focus on what you BEST is, and then give it. In life you have total control of your effort, and very little control of the results, so be true to yourself and put in the effort that will make you proud. Quitting will do nothing but lead to worse self esteem, and a life of poor health, so is that really worth it?
  • pjholcomb
    pjholcomb Posts: 55 Member
    Please don't give up ... I am an older lady who has dieted all her life off and on ... off and on because I would become discouraged and give up. That is NOT want you want ... trust me. Slow and steady stays the course ... weight that comes off slower, stays off longer ... be true to yourself!

    Also, have you discussed this with your doctor? What does he say? Is your thyroid functioning properly? Are you getting enough sleep? You don't need to share these answers with the world, you just need to know what they are for your own peace of mind.

    Have you tried "eating clean"? You know, eating only foods with five or less ingredients listed on the label.

    Watch that sodium ... it's a killer on the scale. I added it to my food diary ... a real eye opener. You need it for the iodine it has added to it, but too much and that water weight weighs heavy.

    I lost quickly at first and am losing slower now ... but I feel no discouragement. I have set reasonable achieveable goals with rewards attached to each. I KNOW that I won't get that single piece of Buffalo Wild Wings chocolate cake until I hit a 25% total loss (which will be soon!!!) because I AM true to myself. I know it is coming. I know I will enjoy it. I know I will then move forward toward the next goal ... and one day I will be back in my wedding dress!!! :flowerforyou: