

  • i didnt like greek yogurt either until my mom showed me i needed to sweeten it up.. i usually cut up strawberries or throw in grapes and add one or a half packet of stevia ..its so bomb thats how i eat yogurt now.. the other stuff like low-fat plain has a ton of fake sugar and little protein.. also maybe try throwing it…
  • omg thanks!! very good ideas i now will have more options for going out and just being better .. i especially like eating healthy before i go out so i can get somethig small (spending less will be a plus too) and at fast food places i usually get kids meals but i liked all the other options you guys mentioned..
  • omg u look so good! thanks for posting, seeing actual pics posted and seein someone actually do it is great.. now comes the hard part of maintaining.. good luck girlie!
  • girl, good luck! sounds like you are really motivated.. keep it up! and hopefully this jumpstarts your metabolism and slowly incorporate normal healthy food instead of completely depriving yourself by only drinking juice.. but me and my family a couple yrs ago got like you said "tired of being fat" and we threw all the…
  • anything you can do with ground beef you can do with ground turkey, its just the healthier option.. but my mom just cooks it with seasoning any kind you like and we put over shredded lettuce and eat that for lunch.. its really good and isnt heavy which is why its good for lunch cause you dont feel tired after..
  • i started my first day yesterday! it was good didnt feel as much of a burn llike i did when i did kickboxing but i felt it and i plan on doing it for a while to see results cause ive heard good things too..
  • Kim K! shes beautiful, fit and still curvy :) she looks healthy and real not frail and super skinny exactly what i want to be..
  • you probably dont need miralax.. you probably are just eating really bad food and not eough good food, have some greens, corn maybe, fruit and whole grain stuff
  • dang, good luck. your probably going to be hungry with only 800 calories, i know i would. lol try and split it up a lot throughout the day to keep your metabolism going and also dont over exhert yourself when exercising cause you only have 800 calories in you for the whole day youll wear yourself out..
  • good job on the 9 lbs.. but your going to get tired of eating soup for the rest of your life which means youll probably revert back to bad habits, and you really dont get all your nutritional needs from soup alone.. it seems more of a quick fix or a short term thing to me..
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