Soup diets - do they work in the long term?

Last week I started a soup diet and lost 9lbs in a week, was wondering if anyone knows how likely it is to keep losing wight on a soup diet in the long term?


  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Only if you eat soup the rest of your life :) Specific food diets (i.e. juice diets, low carb, liquid) only work for that short time. You'll more than likely gain it back if you aren't careful. Just stick to healthy foods and stay within your calorie goal in addiction to working out. Think of it as more of a lifestyle change rather than a diet :)
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    what kind of soup ru eating
  • brianna_bananas
    good job on the 9 lbs.. but your going to get tired of eating soup for the rest of your life which means youll probably revert back to bad habits, and you really dont get all your nutritional needs from soup alone.. it seems more of a quick fix or a short term thing to me..
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Only if you eat soup the rest of your life :) Specific food diets (i.e. juice diets, low carb, liquid) only work for that short time. You'll more than likely gain it back if you aren't careful. Just stick to healthy foods and stay within your calorie goal in addiction to working out. Think of it as more of a lifestyle change rather than a diet :)

  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Although soup has tons of sodium, about ten years ago I lost a quick 30 pounds eating nothing but soup for dinner with a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread for the protein. I can't remember what I ate for lunch back then though. I won't do it this time because of all the sodium plus paying attention to what I am eating on MFP by watching calories is working for me. I say do whatever works for you. Good luck!!! Keep in mind though it is a lifestyle change and I don't think you will want to eat soup for the rest of your life :wink:
  • cjstrong
    cjstrong Posts: 54
    The lack of protein and calories in the soup is the problem. Basically very low calories with very very very low nutritional benefit.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Agreed that you will gain back when you stop. The best is a diet of moderation and healthy choice. AND, that sodium is HORRIBLE! You are going to be so bloated, you probably will retain tons of water weight too! Not to mention the extra load on your organs from the extra sodium! Stay safe, use moderation.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    ...addiction to working out...
    Nice Freudian slip, or was that intentional?
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    ...addiction to working out...
    Nice Freudian slip, or was that intentional?

    Haha! That was supposed to say addition.. whoaa :)