Juice fasting



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So, I am not going to hijack this thread, this will be the only thing I post in here about it. People gonna do what they want, regardless of whether is a good idea or not.

    Here is what I said last time someone mentioned juicing.
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    It's really sad, because people listen to crap like this and think "Oh my god, I can lose so much weight in just 60 days" and ultimately, it ends up being no healthier for them in the long run.

    In this particular "shake diet"s defense, they try to teach exercise as well... but if your nutrition isn't right, no matter what you do you aren't going to be healthy.

    Here is a good analogy - Its like when poor people win the lottery. Statistically, they are broke in less than 5 years. Because they haven't changed their spending habits, learned how to save money, or learned how to invest!

    Please people... I am begging you. Look at the statistics of programs like this before you waste years of your life bouncing back and forth between programs. It's for your own good.

    Note: This program is at least a vast improvement over most of the planned meals programs. They are trying to throw some exercise and SOME idea of food control, but its still not enough. Especially since they are getting rich off the people that buy it. >_< <--- that's my angry face.

    I know, this is my weight loss pet peeve...

    I see where you are coming from, but the OP said she was only doing it for 2 weeks. And she seems to understand that she has to change her eating habits afterward. I thought she sounded very informed and my understanding (which admittedly may be a misunderstanding) was that this was intended as a "cleanse" to kickstart a new healthy eating lifestyle. I can see where that could be very helpful.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Hey! I hope this isn't true. I hear what you're saying. You've done the research? Can you point me in the direction where I can find this research? The goal for my husband and I (we're finishing up day 4 now on our first juice fast) is to reverse the toxic food addictions we have, change our response to how we treat food, and allow our body to recover and heal from the abuse it's received from the junk we've filled it with over the years. We also want to develop a "taste" for what is truly good for us. Like an alcoholic needs to stop drinking cold turkey, a person addicted to food can deal with food addictions in a somewhat similar way by going on a juice fast (which we know isn't really a fast because of the huge amounts of nutients we're putting into our bodies. If people are using juice fasts to cure cancer, then what is the big problem with using it to try to reverse our toxic health and poor eating habits. I sure am hoping what your'e saying isn't true, but I can't forsee where we'll be 2 years from now. Surely I hope that this starts us off on the right foot and actually helps us to learn healthy eating habits.

    Darling, I think what we are going is great, just when we finish we need to keep to a healthier life style and not go back to bad habits. Keep focused, your doing great
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Good luck with it! I have wanted a juicer for a long time now. And now I'm going to have to convince my husband to watch the documentary!! Only, he doesn't need to lose weight, he needs to gain it, but he definitely needs to eat more fruits and veggies. :)

    I have done a 5 day juice fast before. I didn't go past that, but I will say day 3 was the hardest. That's when all my muscle cramping and everything started. My husband and I did it together and on the evening of day 3 we both broke down and ate a banana b/c we couldn't even MOVE our leg muscles they were doing such weird things.

    Like an earlier poster said, I'm NOT trying to discourage you from this. I find it all very interesting. It is "real" food you are eating anyways.

    And yes, fasting from any particular thing is fasting - similar to the season of Lent. Some people fast from sugar, some people fast from TV, etc. :)

    Good luck. I'm going to be watching you!!!!! :)
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    this sounds really interesting...... i want to try it but not sure if i can even do it for two weeks start..... i am a food lover and i think it will get hard....... and because all you are inputting in your body is juice and veggies .... does anyone know if it will be a good idea to add plant protien to the juices?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    So, I am not going to hijack this thread, this will be the only thing I post in here about it. People gonna do what they want, regardless of whether is a good idea or not.

    Here is what I said last time someone mentioned juicing.
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    It's really sad, because people listen to crap like this and think "Oh my god, I can lose so much weight in just 60 days" and ultimately, it ends up being no healthier for them in the long run.

    In this particular "shake diet"s defense, they try to teach exercise as well... but if your nutrition isn't right, no matter what you do you aren't going to be healthy.

    Here is a good analogy - Its like when poor people win the lottery. Statistically, they are broke in less than 5 years. Because they haven't changed their spending habits, learned how to save money, or learned how to invest!

    Please people... I am begging you. Look at the statistics of programs like this before you waste years of your life bouncing back and forth between programs. It's for your own good.

    Note: This program is at least a vast improvement over most of the planned meals programs. They are trying to throw some exercise and SOME idea of food control, but its still not enough. Especially since they are getting rich off the people that buy it. >_< <--- that's my angry face.

    I know, this is my weight loss pet peeve...

    I see where you are coming from, but the OP said she was only doing it for 2 weeks. And she seems to understand that she has to change her eating habits afterward. I thought she sounded very informed and my understanding (which admittedly may be a misunderstanding) was that this was intended as a "cleanse" to kickstart a new healthy eating lifestyle. I can see where that could be very helpful.

    The plan is for me to kick start my metabolism, eat healthier and not go back to Bad habits. Processed foods are so bad for us, but we still eat them, I want to really focus on eating veggies and fruits and learn to love them cause they are so good for the body and of course we need our protein and u can get them from Nuts, lentils, plit peas, black beans, hummus and kidney beans, if you don't want to do lean poultry and fish. I just want to get healthy, lose weight and feel great. No harm in that.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    this sounds really interesting...... i want to try it but not sure if i can even do it for two weeks start..... i am a food lover and i think it will get hard....... and because all you are inputting in your body is juice and veggies .... does anyone know if it will be a good idea to add plant protien to the juices?

    Yes you can add plant protein to the juices... If you can't do it for 2 wks, try 5 days and see how you feel then. I wouldn't hurt. Just make sure it's ok with your doctor and go for it.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Good luck with it! I have wanted a juicer for a long time now. And now I'm going to have to convince my husband to watch the documentary!! Only, he doesn't need to lose weight, he needs to gain it, but he definitely needs to eat more fruits and veggies. :)

    I have done a 5 day juice fast before. I didn't go past that, but I will say day 3 was the hardest. That's when all my muscle cramping and everything started. My husband and I did it together and on the evening of day 3 we both broke down and ate a banana b/c we couldn't even MOVE our leg muscles they were doing such weird things.

    Like an earlier poster said, I'm NOT trying to discourage you from this. I find it all very interesting. It is "real" food you are eating anyways.

    And yes, fasting from any particular thing is fasting - similar to the season of Lent. Some people fast from sugar, some people fast from TV, etc. :)

    Good luck. I'm going to be watching you!!!!! :)

    Banana's are great and u can have them, Their not good for the juicer though, blender yes, but not a juicer. I'm sorry you had leg pain and I hope u are doing better. I guess I would be fasting from Processed foods and thats a GOOD thing.
  • strawintogold
    I just ran it by my nutritionist who thought it was fantastic. So, I'm gonna go with that rather then naysayers who haven't researched THIS plan and are just lumping it in with whatever random crash diet pops up now and again. I've yet to meet someone who is doing this to get thin. it's people who are tired of feeling like **** and want basically a 'do-over'.

    My doctor would think it was fine, but frankly, my doctor would think lots of things were 'fine' like Medi-Fast, etc. that I'd never do. The fact that a nutritionist gave it the go ahead is plenty ok with me, even if I didn't think I had enough common sense to trust my own judgment.

    I've also yet to meet anyone who plans on doing this and then going back to old habits, it's a springboard, plan and simple. There is no room for a 'cheat day' or whatever. Some of us need that kind of structure. And while I don't agree with some of the weight loss approaches I've read here, I'm beginning to get why people get defensive. I mean, the most outraged haven't even researched this plan, the nutrients and the 'why behind it.

    I'd get it if it were something controversial, but FFS, it's fruit and veg and micronutrients. The protein is there, it's medically approved (for the medical science dude) we could get into my doctor vs. your doc all day. This must be how the Paleo people feel. The diets not for me but it won't KILL you or make your head explode and neither will this one.

    If you are going to fail with this plan, you try the next. You find what WORKS for YOU. If your plan doesn't work for me, all your scientific studies (which are generally skewed) won't do me much good, will it?

    If the OP tries this and can't do it, maybe she'll go to something like I'm doing which s more a Dr. Furman approach. She already has all the ingredients. It's a big step in a right direction, if not her ultimate destination.

    WHo is getting rich? The juicer people? Worst case scenario you have a kitchen appliance you don't use. Have yo seen how this site makes it's money? I appreciate the site, don't get me wrong, but hello? Get thin fast, pizza, it's like a trying to get healthy person's gauntlet just to log calories.

    Plus, its REALLY insulting to be spoken to like we are idiots. As if we can't learn about long term eating while doing this. I can multitask. Celery does not disable me to the point of where I can't figure out what my portion size should be. Has anyone ever, ever met a fat person trying to lose weight who didn't know what their portion size should be? Hell, most of us are experts.

    Most of us don't need to learn how to eat, we need to do something to get in control enough to enforce that knowledge.

    My diet doesn't need to 'teach' me a damn thing.

    I'm smarter then food.
  • strawintogold
    this sounds really interesting...... i want to try it but not sure if i can even do it for two weeks start..... i am a food lover and i think it will get hard....... and because all you are inputting in your body is juice and veggies .... does anyone know if it will be a good idea to add plant protien to the juices?

    Yes you can add plant protein to the juices... If you can't do it for 2 wks, try 5 days and see how you feel then. I wouldn't hurt. Just make sure it's ok with your doctor and go for it.

    yes, you can use a vegan powder, that's what I use anyway. But the vast majority don't need to worry for something that runs two weeks.
  • wisecat1
    wisecat1 Posts: 41
    OP - you can look on the movie website and click the start juicing tab - or go here for recipes - http://jointhereboot.com/reboot-program/recipes/

    I did the spinach/strawberry (Great Green Fruity Mix) juice this morning and loved it! Well...maybe that's stretching the truth a bit but it was better than any other recipes I tried and it had an entire package of spinach in it! The recipe says it has 6 g of protein. I'm not doing strictly juice but instead doing juice for breakfast and no processed foods with mostly fruits and veggies...one portion of nuts and one portion of meat a day. Just wanted to let you know that edamame is high in protein also. Not sure it would juice well but you can give it a shot.

    And like others said, this is a healthy way to reboot your system. The naysayers haven't seen the movie or read anything on the website. It's very obvious that this is the start of healthy, clean eating.
    Good luck...I'll keep checking in...it's motivating!
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    so today for breakfast all i had for tea so i decided to go home for lunch and make myself a juice.... it worked out great i just put what ever i found in the blender and it didnt taste bad at all.... i am going to try and see how this goes

  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    so today for breakfast all i had for tea so i decided to go home for lunch and make myself a juice.... it worked out great i just put what ever i found in the blender and it didnt taste bad at all.... i am going to try and see how this goes


    Good job, just keep at it...
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Lunch wasn't bad today and I am feeling much better already and having less headaches. I just got to keep pushing and focus on a healthy way of living. I went to the store today and bought fennel and the teenager that was checking me out didn't know what it was, she thought it was a plant you plant in the ground and then produces flowers....silly girl....anyways gonna try some new things for dinner, I'm a little nervous and scared, but it can't be that bad. we will see. I'll let you know how it goes...
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Dinner was Kale spinach, carrot and an apple juiced. At first it wasn't that bad, but now I'm not to found of this veggie juicing, but I must continue to press on. No head ache today, just a lot of Hunger pangs... I'm just drinking water to help with that...
  • brianna_bananas
    girl, good luck! sounds like you are really motivated.. keep it up! and hopefully this jumpstarts your metabolism and slowly incorporate normal healthy food instead of completely depriving yourself by only drinking juice.. but me and my family a couple yrs ago got like you said "tired of being fat" and we threw all the crap away started exercising together (bike rides, jogs, kickboxing, etc) and my parents went from almost 300 lbs to now at about 230-240 and i went from just graduating hs and being 200 lbs and now ive maintained around 160.. just stay positive :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Good job, dakota. I drink Spirulina in water every day. Blecch....at first I had to hold my nose. Then I could actually drink it while NOT holding my nose. Now I think of it as something-really-good-for-me-that-will make-me-feel-better-and-healthier - and I kinda like the fresh smell. (almost)....Keep it up.
  • strawintogold
    I'm just starting wheatgrass, someone hold me...

    Try and focus on what seems like hunger pangs, to us, is, well, normal stomach. We are so used to being full or eating. It took me awhile before I could feel hungry without feeling anxious and to realize that anxious was what I was feeling in the first place. it's no different then quitting smoking if you eat to self medicate. This is why some GBS have issues, they take away the 'medicine' and don't address the issues.

    Figure out how you got here and why. It's not normal for us to be this way and I have a hard time believing there are many happy fat people. I had to come to terms with what I was avoiding my eating a box of Frosted Flakes. When I stopped drinking the eating really got crazy.

    SOme of it is mouth hunger, chew gum, if it helps, the juice police will never know....

    But in all seriousness unless we deal with what got us here, nothing will work, not fasting, surgery, whatever. Not eating is hard because I don't think how much time we realize is taken up by eating, thing about what to eat, feeling ****ty for eating, and on and on an on.

    Edited to add.

    If you are gonna throw a banana in a blender, you can eat it, you know,lol. Give yourself a healthy option. I only juice hard fruits, the rest goes in the blender, spinach, even. This may make you fuller because it's the whole fruit/veg.
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I'm sure I could figure this out if I thought about it enough... but how do you all feel about the cost of juicing? Including the costs of the juicer and of the fruits and vegetables. Does your grocery bill seem to be going up at all? And what is the difference between juicing and blending? I would even think that by blending you are retaining a lot of the fiber that might be good...

    And to add-- I saw the documentary a few weeks ago too. Very inspiring. I'd recommend it to anyone whether they were thinking about juicing or not.

  • awandell
    awandell Posts: 62
    The cost of juicing... yes, we're feeling that pain now too. We're only just getting into it, but right now it seems like $15/day per person? (Which is a LOT! for our family!) But for us, it's worth it. We need a "reboot", and we're seeing it happen right in front of us. Now when my husband and I sit down on day 10 and decide whether to keep at this or not, the bank account may make that decision for us (but we'll see!)!

    Today one of my juices was brussel sprouts. Bleh! I tried mixing it with apples and ginger to make it better. No cigar. I got them because they're supposedly this amazingly wonderful vegetable. Now I am trying to hide one or two of them in all the other juices I make because they are awful! I finally found a recipe that tastes a bit like V8 juice, and I'm thankful for that. Adjusting to the taste is difficult when you're used to processed foods, breads, cheeses, chips, etc. We'll get there.

    Glad to have some others along for the ride. Now on day 4 my energy level has skyrocketed. I am running up and down the stairs faster than ever, and sometimes I'm even "in the mood" to do push-ups. strangest thing. The kids love to do them with me. So cute.

    Feeling great. Hope it shows up on the scales. I am ready for a big change (and to keep it that way!)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    The cost of juicing... yes, we're feeling that pain now too. We're only just getting into it, but right now it seems like $15/day per person? (Which is a LOT! for our family!) But for us, it's worth it. We need a "reboot", and we're seeing it happen right in front of us. Now when my husband and I sit down on day 10 and decide whether to keep at this or not, the bank account may make that decision for us (but we'll see!)!

    Today one of my juices was brussel sprouts. Bleh! I tried mixing it with apples and ginger to make it better. No cigar. I got them because they're supposedly this amazingly wonderful vegetable. Now I am trying to hide one or two of them in all the other juices I make because they are awful! I finally found a recipe that tastes a bit like V8 juice, and I'm thankful for that. Adjusting to the taste is difficult when you're used to processed foods, breads, cheeses, chips, etc. We'll get there.

    Glad to have some others along for the ride. Now on day 4 my energy level has skyrocketed. I am running up and down the stairs faster than ever, and sometimes I'm even "in the mood" to do push-ups. strangest thing. The kids love to do them with me. So cute.

    Feeling great. Hope it shows up on the scales. I am ready for a big change (and to keep it that way!)

    Yeah I'm not digging the veggies juiced, maybe I will start just hiding them here and there. I'm liking my spinach drinks and kale isn't that bad either. I agree with adjusting to the taste when we are so use to processed foods. I'm on day 2 and I'm feeling much better, even my fiance is feeling much better and he is a fast food fanatic (But never gains weight) But he's doing good and I am proud of him.