Juice fasting



  • awandell
    awandell Posts: 62
    Problems with being over-weight and under-nourished can also have a WHOLE LOT to do with the other people in our lives.

    Totally agree. I am realizing how I coddle my children and allow them to eat way more processed food than they need in an effort to please their taste buds. I am only now learning the volume of good fruits and vegetables we really need to sustain a healthy lifestyle. But you're right, as wives and mothers, we are often hugely affected by our loved ones.
    I'm not fond of the idea of just juicing every meal (for me), but would love to know some recipes for something similar to V-8 (without the high sodium or sugar content of store-bought) to replace a meal or two a day.

    There are some recipes out there. You can google V8 juicer recipes, and then also there's a recipe I'm very fond of that actually tastes similar to V8 (to me, at least). It comes from freedomyou.com's website. I haven't added the yeast or hot sauce and limited the worcestershire, but I really liked it!

    Super Duper Spicy Tomato

    3 ripe tomatoes
    1/2 green or red pepper
    1 celery stock
    1 apple
    1 Tbs. Good Tasting Yeast
    1/2 tsp. onion powder
    1/2 Tsp. garlic powder
    1 tsp. Worcestershire
    pinch of freshly ground black pepper
    3 drops Louisiana Hot Sauce (optional for the real man)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm just starting wheatgrass, someone hold me...

    Try and focus on what seems like hunger pangs, to us, is, well, normal stomach. We are so used to being full or eating. It took me awhile before I could feel hungry without feeling anxious and to realize that anxious was what I was feeling in the first place. it's no different then quitting smoking if you eat to self medicate. This is why some GBS have issues, they take away the 'medicine' and don't address the issues.

    Figure out how you got here and why. It's not normal for us to be this way and I have a hard time believing there are many happy fat people. I had to come to terms with what I was avoiding my eating a box of Frosted Flakes. When I stopped drinking the eating really got crazy.

    SOme of it is mouth hunger, chew gum, if it helps, the juice police will never know....

    But in all seriousness unless we deal with what got us here, nothing will work, not fasting, surgery, whatever. Not eating is hard because I don't think how much time we realize is taken up by eating, thing about what to eat, feeling ****ty for eating, and on and on an on.

    Edited to add.

    If you are gonna throw a banana in a blender, you can eat it, you know,lol. Give yourself a healthy option. I only juice hard fruits, the rest goes in the blender, spinach, even. This may make you fuller because it's the whole fruit/veg.

    those hunger pangs are from the glycemic load and stress juice fasters experience. basically, juice fasting is a liquid carbohydrate diet.

    Again. Vegetables. Have. Protein.

    While Vegans have more variety, they seem to live, look and feel really well. This is because Vegetables. Have. Protein. One of my juice mixes has 11 grams of protein. From. A. Vegetable.

    My vegan protein powder (non soy) is 20 grams per serving of protein. From vegetables.

    So what you're saying is that there is protein in vegetables? :huh: :wink:
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    So what you're saying is that there is protein in vegetables? :huh: :wink:

    Yes some small amounts other larger, but yes there is some protein in veggies
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member

    I can relate to everything you said, there are a lot of juice recipes out there, just google it, thats what I have been doing. Trying different things, i actually made one up today and it was actually good, i was suprised, it was 2 apples, almost 2 cups of spinach and kale, a quarter of a beet and some fresh parsley. all in all it was good, i was surprised. Juicing is fun and you get a lot more food into u all at once. Have fun juicing

    dakota!! Could it be that you are already changing your tastes??!! Good for you!!
  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    This is so inspiring! I too saw the documentary recently and found it really eye opening. I'm very interested in doing the juice fast, although I do find it intimidating! I'm going to plan for it though, and I will do it.

    As for those criticizing it and lumping it into the "fad diet" category, the impression I got from the documentary, and the people that have tried it and found it successful is that it is not a diet at all, and the primary purpose isn't even to lose weight (albeit a great benefit). It is really to give your body the nutrients it's been lacking, get rid of the bad stuff you've been feeding it, and really change what your body craves. Essentially, to "reboot your life."

    Keep up the good work guys!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    So I'm not going to do a full on juice fast, more like a 7 day raw food diet. (I've been craving / eating too many sweets recently, so figured I'd try it) I'm starting next monday, and will do it during a "rest week" for P90X.

    For those of you that purely juice, do you still count calories? How many calories per day do you aim for?

    Carrot / Apple / Ginger is my favorite by the way.

    Amy: A raw food diet is a good way to prep for a juice fast if you find you're still interested. When you're done with your 7 days, you might try 2-3 days on the juices. You will feel SOOOOO good! :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    My husband and I started on Day 1 of our 40 day juice fast today. We get a CSA (community supported agriculture) box on Wednesdays then we stopped at the local farmer's market to get some more stuff. Last night we made two juices for today (he leaves at 4:30am).

    grapes/blackberries/green apple/watermelon


    kale (lots of kale) / cucumber / green apple / a little leftover watermelon.

    I have done long juice fasts (not truly a fast, more like a cleanse) but my husband hasn't. I want to get some lemons, celery and ginger but we didn't want to go to the grocery store last night.

    He thinks he will just drink it down really fast to get it over with but I will likely more sip on it throughout the day. I haven't really done green juices before but the apple and cucumber make it palatable.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Ok, crap like this pisses me off. It pisses me off because its a TERRIBLE IDEA. Its not sustainable! Sure, you go 60 days, you lose a TON of weight, and what then?

    You still haven't learned portion control, and you still haven't learned healthy eating. You've learned how to make a single shake. The same thing. Every day. (actually, they mix it up a little, but its still very structured, you eat only what they say)

    Honestly, who could do that their whole life? Statistically, people that go on these diets and stick through the whole program DO lose weight. But they don't keep it off! They balloon right back up!

    So you know whats changed when that's done? NOTHING except your starting weight. NOT A DARN THING. So in less than 2 years, you'll gain it all back!

    Yeah, don't listen to this. This is obviously this person's experience or they are just uninformed. I used juice fasting intermittently over a period of 3 years to lose 120 pounds and KEEP IT OFF. I learned to eat healthy and felt so great during the juice fasting times. You are not really fasting but giving yourself megadoses of nutrition. I did gain about 35 pounds back after I got married but it had nothing to do with the juicing but my abandonment of the healthy lifestyle I had become accustomed to.

    Sigh, please don't say things like "He is uninformed". I have done my research, I've looked at MEDICAL STUDIES and Double blind peer reviews.

    This is the truth. It might not be YOUR experience, but a single persons experience is not statistically significant. I'm not going to hate on the people juicing, there is much worse "diets" out there, like HCG, but it statistically does not work long term.

    Some people can't take the facts and have to learn for themselves - Thats fine. It's their life. Hopefully it works for them.

    I don't want anyone to fail at their goals. I'm not saying these things to put anyone down, or make them fail. I am telling them the statistical truth, according to medical studies. I want them to have the best chance possible of living a healthy, fit life.

    And as far as the statement "you aren't really fasting", true. You aren't. You're on a diet. Statistically, a "diet" doesn't work long term.

    Just stating the facts supported by research, you don't need to take personal offense.

    I'm not offended at all. I just didn't want someone to be swayed from trying this when the benefits are so amazing. Have you actually tried a juice cleanse? I don't use it like a diet at all but more for healing purposes. Your body was designed by a magnificent Creator to heal itself. Anyway, it's all good, just read your post today so that's the reason for the late reply.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    So I'm not going to do a full on juice fast, more like a 7 day raw food diet. (I've been craving / eating too many sweets recently, so figured I'd try it) I'm starting next monday, and will do it during a "rest week" for P90X.

    For those of you that purely juice, do you still count calories? How many calories per day do you aim for?

    Carrot / Apple / Ginger is my favorite by the way.

    Amy: A raw food diet is a good way to prep for a juice fast if you find you're still interested. When you're done with your 7 days, you might try 2-3 days on the juices. You will feel SOOOOO good! :)

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'm planning on juicing 1/2 meals of the day...we'll see how it goes, I may indeed decide to do a few days just juicing at the end.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Are you still logging and counting calories of all the fruits and veggies you juice? If so, is it comparable, c alorie-wise, to a regular day's worth of food?
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Are you still logging and counting calories of all the fruits and veggies you juice? If so, is it comparable, c alorie-wise, to a regular day's worth of food?

    I'm not logging but I know that Carol is. If you drink enough juice, you will not be deficient in calories. If you want to lose some weight don't drink an excessive amount of juice. If you are doing it more for a cleanse, then drink lots of it!
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Do you guys see a problem if you juice mostly carrots and apples when on the fast? I tried doing greens and its very hard to choke down. So today before work I did a big batch to last me through the day (of apples/pears/carrots/watermelon/orange ~ about 800 calories all together), then at home i will try greens.

    I did a juice fast for five days last year & included almond milk in my fast for some protien. You could also eat raw nuts too. I juiced every fours 4x day and I figured out my cals to be around 1400 at least I was drinking about 16oz per serving.

    Good luck with your fast I think that's great.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So what you're saying is that there is protein in vegetables? :huh: :wink:

    Yes some small amounts other larger, but yes there is some protein in veggies

    I knew what he was saying, I was being facetious based on his post. :wink:
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Are you still logging and counting calories of all the fruits and veggies you juice? If so, is it comparable, c alorie-wise, to a regular day's worth of food?

    Yes I am logging and its a little less calories then what this MFP say I need, but I'm not worried about it.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I can't believe day 4 is here. I didn't lose anything today, but I'm not worried about it... I'm just glad I made it this far and I'm gonna keep on going. I'm getting use to the hunger pangs, they are slowly going away. This has been a real test for me and when i come off of this juice fast, I think i can handle making better choices for myself and i think i will continue to juice here and there. Espeically if I'm on the go...

    Happy Juicing
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I can't believe day 4 is here. I didn't lose anything today, but I'm not worried about it... I'm just glad I made it this far and I'm gonna keep on going. I'm getting use to the hunger pangs, they are slowly going away. This has been a real test for me and when i come off of this juice fast, I think i can handle making better choices for myself and i think i will continue to juice here and there. Espeically if I'm on the go...

    Happy Juicing

    You are doing so great!! Average loss will probably be 1 pound per day, depending on how much juice you are drinking. Can you share some of your favorite recipes so far?
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I can't believe day 4 is here. I didn't lose anything today, but I'm not worried about it... I'm just glad I made it this far and I'm gonna keep on going. I'm getting use to the hunger pangs, they are slowly going away. This has been a real test for me and when i come off of this juice fast, I think i can handle making better choices for myself and i think i will continue to juice here and there. Espeically if I'm on the go...

    Happy Juicing

    You are doing so great!! Average loss will probably be 1 pound per day, depending on how much juice you are drinking. Can you share some of your favorite recipes so far?

    So far the only veggie recipe I like is:
    about 2 cups of Kale and Spinach
    2 apples
    quarter of a beet
    with a little bit of parsley

    I love all the fruit juices i make, except watermelon...I Love watermelon, but for some reason not as a juice

    2 apples
    a bunch of green and red grapes
    strawberries and blueberrys
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Go dakota! I'm glad you found something you really like. Try adding some lemon or lime to it...variety!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Go dakota! I'm glad you found something you really like. Try adding some lemon or lime to it...variety!

    Do think lemon or lime would make it taste bad? Have you tried it. cause I added a tomato once to something and it was so gross. Just curious
  • wisecat1
    wisecat1 Posts: 41
    This is my favorite!
    Great Green Fruity Mix

    2 cups Beet Greens, Red Swiss Chard, Kale, Spinach or a combination,
    roughly chopped and packed into the measuring cup
    1 Golden Delicious Apple
    1/2 Comice Pear
    10 Strawberries, green tops cut off
    1 cup Coconut Water

    Calories: 255
    Protein: 6 g
    Fiber: 3 g