

  • Under no circumstances should you say anything about your daughter-in-law's weight. It is not a mother-in-law's place to tell her daughter-in-law that she is fat. For that matter, it really isn't anyone's place to bring up someone else's weight. It's about the rudest thing I can imagine, maybe tied with "How much money do…
  • Broadly speaking, a person can sue for anything they want. Whether they will win is an entirely different question. People love to get outraged over the frivolous things for which someone can be "sued" because they confuse these two concepts. Most of the frivolous cases that attract ire on blogs will be dismissed with…
  • Errrrrr... do you live in Manhattan? I don't think such things exist in DC.
  • All things in moderation. Just have 2, and no drinking the next day. Two full-calorie beers will always have fewer calories and taste better than 3 garbage light beers. If you're looking for a delicious low-calorie beer, Guiness is the way to go. No kidding, it is lower in calories (and alcohol) than most kinds of beer.…
  • I'm no expert, but it sounds like caffeine withdrawal. If you're already cutting back calories and sugar, why not indulge your desire for caffeine, especially since coffee and diet soda are calorie free treats.
  • Log it! Most people drive to work, sit at a desk, drive home, and watch TV. That's sedentary. Walking for nearly an hour at a moderate pace is not sedentary. It's a calorie-burning activity that you should count. I count my commute to and from work every day (2.6 miles round-trip walking). I add about 150 extra calories to…
  • As a rule, I stay away from any exercise with "insanity" in the title. But good luck! :wink: