Headaches and Nausea since dieting?

Not sure if this is because i'm watching what i eat but since I've started a week and a half ago I've had 3 major headaches resulting in my taking naps/early nights and a few times I've been feeling very sickly.

I've dramatically cut down on my sugar/caffeine intake so i assume it may have something to do with this?

Anyone else having the same or had the same situation as me?


  • taberube
    taberube Posts: 11 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal may give you bad headaches for a while.
  • kassied09
    Though this does sound unfortunate, I would say either ween yourself off the caffeine slowly or push through the pain until it is gone. Maybe beat the headaches using ibuprofen? Have you been working out? That usually helps a bit. Hope this helps!
  • vikkih1807
    I've been experiencing the same thing. I felt better once I ate a high protein snack.
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I second the caffeine notion. Also when I get really hungry, I get a terrible headache and sick to my stomach. Eating 4-5 meals a day 'on time' seems to really help!
  • chelef
    chelef Posts: 46 Member
    Though this does sound unfortunate, I would say either ween yourself off the caffeine slowly or push through the pain until it is gone. Maybe beat the headaches using ibuprofen? Have you been working out? That usually helps a bit. Hope this helps!

    I agree, don't just go cold turkey. slowly stop drinking caffeine
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had a similar issue....but I found it was because I was extremely dehydrated - make sure you're getting plenty of water. It'll go away. Imagine that if it's making you feel this bad when you'er not taking it what it's doing to you when you are consuming it!
  • TheCeebles
    I had a feeling it was the caffeine! I would ween myself off it but i feel now that i don't need to drink it, i'd rather drink squash or water so kinda bittersweet in a way!

    Using ibuprofen to calm the pain but when it's really bad i have to retreat to my bed ; its the kind of headaches which attack quickly and makes moving so horrible!
  • MeganLMeier
    I'm no expert, but it sounds like caffeine withdrawal. If you're already cutting back calories and sugar, why not indulge your desire for caffeine, especially since coffee and diet soda are calorie free treats.
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    It is likely a candida die off...which can be quite nasty while it lasts. If you have reduced or better removed what the "yeast" feeds on this will happen and you want this as it will lessen the chance of some more nasty health conditions....Like IBS, Lupus, and so on