pepino Member


  • wow! you should be very proud of yourself. The Mission is not over for you but so far it looks like your winning the war.
  • depends on what you do for physical activity. if you workout often then over is not bad because your muscle will need the nutrition to rebuild. as long as you stay under the calorie you should have no problem losing weight.
  • any job rushed never looks as good as the one slowly crafted. burning 1000 calories and working out 7 days a week is not that great for the body. you have to look at yourself losing weight as a life change not a fad. your doing a great job being this motivated but if you stay under or at your calorie allowed, burning about…
    in Guilty Comment by pepino June 2010
  • it helps when you have people around you keeping you focused. you will notice people will try to break you when you wana eat healthy but they wana go to a buffet or Burger king. I also see those that tell you how stupid it is and how its a waste of time but you have all the motivation you need which is yourself. find what…
    in Hi Comment by pepino May 2010
  • hell yeah! keep it up
  • keep it up
    in Hi Comment by pepino May 2010
  • Yay! execise keeping the body tight like a tiger. I'm sure your boyfriend wont mind you looking sexier. dont over work your body though, I was too stupid and felt a pain in my back and felt i could man-up for 2 more miles of running. next day could not walk, my back is killing me and its been 2 weeks since i ran. You can…
  • from your photo i see you dont look bad at 160 at all. you may have gain muscle in your process causing you to way more than you look. It's easy to give up and just eat cookies but you appreciate the hard things in life. maybe you should look up how much calories you can have to sustain 130 lb. maybe your intake will…