

  • Start slow: 10 minute walk in the evening when you get home, before doing anything else; do a few stretches while you're cooking; vacuum more frequently; wash the car instead of taking it through a carwash (kids can help with this). Remember: every little bit counts!
  • Welcome, Oswegomom! I joined about a month ago, and have lost 2 pounds. I'll admit, I don't login everyday, and I don't exercise enough everyday (some days just 10 minutes is all I can fit in), but every week I've added a little more to my exercise. This week I've added a new route to walk, which adds 2 more minutes to my…
  • Hi, Renae_Las, welcome! I, like you, lost weight then gained some of it back. Those old habits are so hard to break, but with friends and support, we can both get back on track. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • To quote Dr. Phil: "Five pounds of anything is five pounds. . ." :smile: Wishing you the best in losing the first five pounds, and every five pounds thereafter!
    in HI Comment by fordfan67 July 2011
  • Welcome! I started about 2 weeks ago. Logging food intake everyday is a real eye opener! (But you have to be honest. . .) :happy: Wishing you lots of luck!
  • Welcome! This is my second week, and I slipped a bit over the weekend, but I'm back on track today! I wish you much success in your goals! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi, Jess, I'm Patty; welcome to the site! I, like you, have trouble saying no to bad foods and habits. I have a new grandson (3 months old), and realized that I need to get back on track and stay there so I can tell him all the crazy things his mother (and grandmother) did when they were young. One of my fondest memories…
  • Hi, hannamaye--welcome! I started this past Monday (July 18), so I'm a newby, too. I agree with fitzie63 that you must weight and mesasure everything. And mind your BLTs: Bites, Licks, and Tastes--every calorie counts! I wish you luck along your journey. . .
  • Soy milk (vanilla--yummy!); string cheese; nuts. . .
  • I wish you the best on your goals! Feel free to add me as a friend. . .
    in Hello! Comment by fordfan67 July 2011
  • Let that baby girl be a motivator--you need to live a long, healthy life for her--and yourself!!