Time to change my life

nala1965 Posts: 15 Member
My name is Ronda I am 46 years old. I have been overwieght my whole life but lately the pounds have just seemed to pack on. I have recently quit smokeing. I watched a dear friend recover after a heart attack and reazlied he is younger then I am and with the history of heart desease in my family it could have been me.

Its time to take control of my life again. NO more nicotine and no more eating my emotions. I am on a better road now.:smile:


  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    Way to go :)
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    Way to go :)
  • fordfan67
    fordfan67 Posts: 12
    Welcome! This is my second week, and I slipped a bit over the weekend, but I'm back on track today! I wish you much success in your goals! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • charkendrick
    charkendrick Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome. My mother had a heart attack in her early 50's and this year, at age 68, we nearly lost her again. Heart disease is no joke. Good luck on your journey. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    Kicking a habit of any kind is hard! Just keep telling yourself...I have to keep this streak going. And before you know it, it will be 6 months down the road, a year and you will still be smoke free. I quit drinking soda on Jan 1st and have not had any since
  • MladyAlanna
    MladyAlanna Posts: 16 Member
    woohooo love ya Ronda...yeah I want us all around to enjoy another trip maybe next year. so proud of ya!!!!