mamad122 Member


  • What 1 1/2 hour workout are you doing? How much more weight are you trying to lose?
  • I would tell myself to stick with it b/c it really will work! Give it my ALL every day. I'm still working on this. I'm starting to track my cals again today and have a bodybugg to track calories burned. I've done pretty well the last year but could have been here a long time ago if I would have been more diligent.
  • I drink Shakeology, a 140 cal protein shake with just 17 carbs. You can make it with milk or water and add any fruit that you want. You don't need a blender if you're not adding anything to it. It tasty yummy by itself and it's super easy on the go! Let me know if you want more info:) OH and it's caffeine free and whole…
  • Welcome back! I've been "gone" for several months as well and I agree, the changes are great! Much more interactive. Good luck with your progress!
    in Hello Comment by mamad122 February 2010
  • My hubby started P90X 2 weeks ago and he LOVES it! I am a Turbo Jam but I'm thinking of going X eventually! I just wanted to say that I LOVE Tony's quote!! (I watch my hubby workout lol)
  • You can do it! We can do it together! I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant and in 3 months I have dropped a little over 40 pounds but I still have a little less than 40 to go. I know that won't happen in another 3 months but I have small goals along the way and people like these ladies keep me motivated!