I am so scared

But I know I have to do this for MYSELF. I have 60 pounds to shed... :(


  • GaoLee
    GaoLee Posts: 65
    But I know I have to do this for MYSELF. I have 60 pounds to shed... :(
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    Remember it's a journey....take it one day at a time. It's not going to happen overnight. I wish you lots of success and strength! Since leaving college (6 years ago) I've lost 40 lbs and although I've gone up and down a lot and it's been a bit of a struggle, I'm happy about where I am. You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • GaoLee
    GaoLee Posts: 65
    I don't even know where to start. Thank you for the reminder.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Trust me as someone who started out with much more than that to lose.......I KNOW what a daunting thing it can seem. Just start, take it a week at a time. The slow, healthy losses will add up much quicker than you think. You know how fast time can go by!! :wink:

    Best of luck!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    You can do this, 6 1/2 months ago I was in your shoes with 60 lbs to lose... it can be done! Take it one day at a time and you'll be surprised at how quickly the time and the weight goes! :drinker:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Where to start?

    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
    How do you change your health? One bite at a time...

    Start with small obtainable steps and add a new challenge to your health each week! You can do it! :drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ditto, Gao-- I started in June with 50 as a goal, and am down 28-- this site has been the key. Don't sweat it-- slow changes, log your foods, and pick the brains of all of the folks here who have had incredible successes-- like Tam, for example, who already posted. These people will keep you motivated.

    We're all in the same boat-- hang with us, sister-- we'll help you along your way!!
  • mamad122
    mamad122 Posts: 6 Member
    You can do it! We can do it together! I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant and in 3 months I have dropped a little over 40 pounds but I still have a little less than 40 to go. I know that won't happen in another 3 months but I have small goals along the way and people like these ladies keep me motivated!
  • monica5237
    Don't be scared, you can do this I was one of the ones that needed to lose 80 pluse pounds and guess what? I have almost done it. you can see my before and after pics and if I can do it ANYONE can and that means YOU! I have faith in you. every time you pick up something to put it in your mouth ask yourself have I loged it? and if not DON"T eat it till you do. LOG LOG LOG that is a key you have to keep a food diary and see what you really are eating that helps soooooo much!!!

    Good luck you CAN AND WILL DO IT!!!!:wink:
  • kbre
    kbre Posts: 1
    AWW DONT BE SCARED. i am like skinny, like i thought i was like 97 or something like that but when i weighed myself today i was like 110 pounds. i know some of you are like thats nothing but it really is to me, and besides my teacher is making me do this so its no big deal. but really dont be scared and just do what you think is the best thing.

    xoxoxox. <3 kbre

  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    You can do it!! It will be frustrating, but if you stick to your plan you WILL see results and that will motivate you to keep going!

    Remember that little goals lead to big loss! My nutritionist helps me set small goals that cut calories like crazy...like dipping salad into the dressing instead of pouring it on the salad, you don't consume anywhere near as many calories that way but you still get the taste :) When I do that I cut almost 200 calories out-a big difference!

    Don't forget it's what's inside you that really matters!!
  • GaoLee
    GaoLee Posts: 65
    Thank you so much friends... seeing how much everyone has lost really motivates me.