

  • If you have exercised 6 days running the way it could be possible is that your body has converted fat to muscle, muscle weighs 3 times that of fat. However this isn't necessarily bad as musscle needs more calories to respire so you will eventually see another drop in weight once your body has enough muscle to keep up with…
  • You could try eating slightly different amounts of calories per day, about 200 less or more so some days eat 1,000 others eat 1,200 then 1,400. This will get the body out of starvation mode which it may be in and your metabolism should also work faster doing this, it will also allow you to vary the amount of calories you…
  • Protein is the macronutrient that keeps you fullest for longest, also it helps build muscle which will raise your basal metabolic rate. The more muscle you have the more calories you can eat without putting weight on as the body needs them to allow your muscle to respire
  • In terms of workout food, protein and carbohydrates are recomended, this is because protein helps to build muscle which will raise your BMR (Basal etabolic Rate, so your body will need more calories to survive so you can eat more and not gain weight. Although muscle weighs more than fat. Carbohydrates are important as the…