

  • I'm goint to try this! Sounds great! Thanks for the tip.
  • OMG! TOM is the worst!!! It almost always derails me. I have been so good staying away from chocolate, but I had a candy bar the other night...thanks TOM!! I'm trying not to let it get me totally off track though. Good luck to you!
  • I really feel ya on this one because in the past it has been the reason why I have gotten totally derailed on any type of weight loss goal. I don't have the perfect solution, but for me it's mind over matter. I try to remind myself every time I want to just eat an entire bag of oreos that I have a goal. Also, I try extra…
  • Well, I wouldn't consider myself the model because I definitely haven't kicked my sweet tooth. BUT I have found that if it's not there, I can't eat it. It helps me a ton at home to know that I don't have the sweets because moderation is not in my vocabulary when it comes to sweets. However, I still have issues when not at…
  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice! Think I'm going to make a big salad to take with me to the party. That way I'm contributing AND helping myself stay on track.
  • I hear ya! I need some motivation as well to "stick with it." I often lose five pounds then go back to my old eating habits because it's easier and/or I get frustrated that more weight isn't coming off. We have similar weight loss goals so maybe we can friend each other and keep on track.
  • i think this is amazing. So many times I look and criticize myself in the mirror. I think it is a challenge to say "yes I am beautiful." I will take on your challenge! Thanks!
  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the info.
  • I'm in! I'm stuck right now so this might be what I need to bump up my game!
  • I tried different weight watchers/lean cuisine frozen meals. I found some that I really like. It makes lunch/dinner sooo easy and the calorie/nutritional content is great. I realize it doesn't work when you need to cook for your family, but it's nice for lunch at work. My favorites are spicy szchechuan noodles and pasta…