packaged stirfrys!!!! how many calories!!!

i just picked out some pre-packaged stirfrys from Asda and yes i eat the whole package but I dont have anything with it so its a fairly boring meal but its all veg isnt it, and thought i was being really good! Just entered the one i ate thinking it would be really low as just veg and it came out as over 300 cals for just veg (this one did have some Edamame Beans in it). but i also checked some of the other stirfrys and they are also a lot higher than i would have thought for eating the whole pack/ i might as well have just had a tasty plate of pasta for the same cals. Does anyone know whether there is a particularly offending ingredient in these bags of stirfry to avoid.


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Anything packaged and prepared is loaded with chemicals to preserve color and freshness and horrific amounts of sodium. You would be better to get the bags of fresh veggies that are a stirfry mix and make it yourself.
    A super easy stirfry sauce is to throw 1/2 c pineapple, 3 garlic cloves, and 3 TBSP of low sodium soya sauce in a blender . . . and ta da . . . easy sauce!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    What does the nutritional information on the package state?
  • cassidystreasures
    i got great value sugar snap stir fry, and the calories are low! 30 calories per 3/4 cup serving
  • ccg0222
    I'm goint to try this! Sounds great! Thanks for the tip.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    The sauce adds quite a bit. Also the edaname --- its full of protein though so its good for you. 300 calories is NOT BAD AT ALL for a full meal. With the edaname and veggies you got lots of protein and fiber, and it should keep you full much longer than pasta would have.
  • GrayJohn
    I live on Stir Frys!! I never buy the pre-packaged crap though. I like to buy things loose.

    My favorite stir fry is

    Mushrooms, Spring Onions, Asparagus, noodles, Broccoli, Sugar snap peas, fresh chilli's with chicken. I put a little bit of black bean sauce in with it just to give it taste. Awesome!!
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    yes ive checked the packaging now, although i didnt when i bought it.. it is true the amount of cals.

    Thanks for your replies about extras but There are no additives or sauce!! it is JUST natural ingredients!!

    Ingredients : beansprouts, cabbage, edamame beans (soya) , carrots and peppers.

    100g = 129cals. I ate 280g
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    actually i have no idea what a edaname bean is. never heard of it. i see it is protein (soya) so thats probably why this pack is higher that i thought.
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    yes i am very happy with just mushrooms,onion & peppers a lot of the time but thought this would make a change. i never add sauce , just an OXO cube for flavour
  • Nekol688
    i get those great value stir-fry's as well from wal-mart. A package is only like $1.98 and all the packages have very low calories per serving. I usually make 2 cups which is like 60 calories, then add about 10 shrimp (pre-packaged, frozen) about 100 calories, and add some stir-fry sauce (kikkomman, which is 20 calories per serving) and my meal is only about 180-200 calories.

    Hope this helps you :)
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    thanks all . i think it must be the beans that was the shocking factor i overlooked them as they were green & just looked like a little veggie!! LOL